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What Happened to Them?


It seems it is my turn on the soapbox. Well I only have a couple things to say. First, one thing that upsets me more then anything is being lied to. I say lied to because that is exactly what we are getting from the lawmakers in this land. They say they really care about our issues and are here to listen to us and help in everyway possible. Yet, you take a problem to them such as this...children's issues...and they kinda seem to forget that promise they made to us. We get out and try and do something and bring things to their attention and we get thanked with form letters or no response at all.

Well, I only have one thing to say to them...they need to watch out because the Internet Force is a force to be reckoned with and we will get to them one way or another. I was told once that children rank lowest on the list of priorities for these people. (This is not an official thing...just people mouthing) I am begining to believe that.

I read in the paper once about a man that starved a few turtles to death and a puppy. He served 3 years jail time for this but yet we have child molesters running about living a carefree and happy life. I am all for animal rights but something is wrong here when someone's dog ranks higher on the social scale then my children.

Okay, enough of that, my second and last gripe for this time is people who say "Someone really should do something." and "I really want to help. Tell me what to do." and then never do anything. Well, that someone is you and I. No one is gonna take care of this problem except us. It is time that we as parents and human beings get off our butts and save our children.

S These are the people that will take care of us when we are too old to take care of ourselves. I don't know about you but I want my children to be able to look back and be proud of their mom because she wasn't scared to stand up for something and be proud to take care of me when if I need it. Can your children say that?

Jennifer Rowan

Through the Grace and Power of Almighty God we will fight and never stop until laws and legislation begin to make sense to the majority instead of the privileged. We Will Win This Battle!

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