Not as they Appear

Things are not always as they appear.

Take this background for example. It seems beautiful and tranquil. Full of peace and harmony.

But, things are not always as they appear.

Let me take you inside for a few moments and show you what I mean.

Come with me, please

As we open the door, we are asssailed with the scent of fresh baked bread and the warmth of the fire surrounds us.

We see a rocking chair by the fire that is still moving gently, as if someone has just left it. A worn and much loved tedddy bear lay on the floor beside it. We look around for the one who occupied the chair. For the one whose teddy bear was abandoned. They are not to be found. The house is very neat, very clean, very homey. A box of toys rests in a corner by the fireplace. A place of peace and love and rest. This is what we see and feel.

But, things are not always as they appear.

As we stand and wait for the ones who live here to come back to this warm and wonderful place we have found ourselves in, we hear a sound that we at first we cannot identify. All we know is that it is so out of place in this home.

We listen more closely and realize it is coming from the back of the house. We are hesistant to venture any farther. We know that these sounds are not right. They have us feeling sick inside. We don't want o move on. We tell ourselves that we will not go and look. We will not! We say this to ourselves as we are already in search of the sounds that have our heart aching.

What we see astounds us.

Things are not always as they appear.

The owner of the teddy bear! Oh No! The owner of the rocking chair! Oh No! Why? I don't understand. I thought by the appearance of things! I thought all was well in this place.

Things are not always as they appear.

The child you see, the one that was sitting at his mothers feet, the one that had the much loved teddy bear? I found him. I found his mother. I found the child. In a pool of blood. I found the mother, lying beside her child. She was waiting for someone to find them.

I asked her WHY? She said that the child would not be quiet. The child would not give her anytime of her own. She said that she could not take it anymore. She only meant to spank. She only meant to correct. But her child would not be quiet, you see.

"I only wanted to make my child be quiet for just a few moments"

Things are not always as they appear.

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