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Owen Hart
Tribute to Owen Hart

May 7, 1965 - May 23, 1999

Name: Owen James Hart
Birthday:May 7, 1965
Birthplace: Calgary, Alberta
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 227 pounds
Aliases: Owen Hart, Blue Blazer
Finishing Move: Sharpshooter
WWF Career Hightlights: Federation Tag Team Champion (2), Intercontinental Champion (2), European Champion, 1994 King of the Ring

By Mark Henry

You feel the burn when you cry
It starts to come when someone dies
The pain you feel as your eyes swell and the tears will up in the wells
The burn starts to choke you up the words come out slow and shaken
You close your eyes and wonder why
There is a burn when you cry
When Owen left it felt like hands around my throat
I couldn't talk I couldn't see
The Burn overwhelmed me
My heart is heavy this is why
You get the burn when you cry
It digs down deep you can not sleep
You toss and turn in your sheets
Awaken with sobs and wet pillow cases
You wander aimlessly looking to the sky
You feel the burn when you cry

Go check out WWF's tribute page to Owen

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