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More of Me

Awwwww.... Ain't I cute?

What a dumb game! Get the ball.. bring the ball. Get the ball.. bring the ball... Ho Hummm... Isn't it snack time yet? Geezzzz!

Now thats better!

It's snack time ! Yeah.. my favourite time of the day. Yessssss! Gotta keep them pearly whites in good shape for all my girl friends. You know what its like.. right people? A guys'gotta do what a guys gotta do. OOPS! I forgot.. I'm a dog.. oh yeah...

Thats it for right now folks I gotta have a nap... But I'll be back later! Oh by the way... Heres a couple of links.

Carol's Stuff My Mom's Page
Musicguys House of Everything Rockin' My Brothers Page


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