Anime Links
Bunni's Card Captor Sakura Images - This page has tons of great Sakura pics.
Bunni's Pokemon Manga Images - If you're looking for Pokemon manga images go here!
The Anime Web Turnpike - A wicked anime link site.
Pokemon World - The official Pokemon site.
The Twisted Pikachu Place! - A cute page inspired by the Hamster Dance.
The Official Sanrio Website - The name says it all.
- A kakkoi Ranma 1/2 image gallery.
- An awsome Sailormoon site, lots of info
and pictures.
Music Links
Ami-chan's Place! (The Savaged Garden) - My Savage Garden website. *under construction*
The Savage Garden Sony Site - An official Savage Garden site.
The Savage Garden Aussie Site - Another offical Savage Garden site.
CDnow - An online music store where I buy all my Savage Garden imports!
Lyrics HQ Search - A pretty good lyrics search engine.
The Official Lilith Fair Site - It's the last year for Lilith, and if you can't make it to the concert, you should at least check out the site!
Audiofind - A great place to find mp3's.
Various Other Links
The Poetic Soul - My poetry site. *under construction*
The Hamster Dance - A kawaii little site.
- If you're looking for ANYTHING online this is definitely the
first place to look. It's run completely by volunteer editors (I just happen to be one of them).