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Fairy Reel

A six-hand progressive dance for two gentlemen and four ladies, danced to a reel. Sets stand three facing three, with one gentleman between two ladies, holding their hands



BARS----------A. Advance and Retire and Circle
8--------------(a) Advance and retire with two threes. Repeat. On second advance all join hands to form a circle
8--------------(b) circle to the right with a seven, and two shorth threes. Return to place
16-------------(c) Repeat (a) and (b) but circle left and back.

---------------B. Down the Floor
8--------------(a) Gentleman faces lady to his right, taking right hand in right, and they dance down the floor to the gent's left with a seven and two short threes, and dance the same back into place. Meanwhile, lady on the left of the gentleman dances right to the lady on the right of the gentleman's spot and returns.
8--------------(b) Repeat with lady on gentleman's right, moving to the gentleman's right, while lady on left dances to her left and back.

---------------C. Gentlemen link arms and chanin ladies
8--------------Gentlemen link right arms for four bars then left arms for four bars.
8--------------Gentleman gives right hand to lady on orriginal right and turns once, then gives left hand to lady on orriginal left and turns once, then gives right hand to lady on orriginal right and turns back into place.

---------------C. Diamonds and Squares
16-------------- Gentlemen make the diamonds and ladies make the squares at the same times.
--------------Diamonds - Moving to the right, gentlemen dance sevens and short threes all the way around in a diamond shape until they return to their original home.
--------------Squares - Moving to the left, ladies dance sevens and short threes to each corner of the square until they return to their origina home.

---------------D. Monkey's Puzzle
8--------------- Gentleman takes ladies hands and makes and arch with lady on his left. Lady on the right dances under the arch, while keeping the gentleman's hand, and he follows her under. Then he makes an arch with lady on the right, which the lady on the left dances under and he follows her under, and then makes a third arch with the lady on left again, which the lady on the right again dances under and he follows her under.

---------------E. Advance and retire, and pass through
8--------------(a) Advance and retire. On second advance, top group makes arches and side group passes under.