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Haymaker's Jig

A progressive jig.
L G (leading couple)
L G (last couple)

Ladies to one line, gentlement to the other

BARS-----------A. Advance and retire
16-------------Dancers in opposite lines advance and retire 2 times. Then rise and grind on the right leg followed by the left leg and then one more advance and retire.

---------------B. Body
8--------------(a) give right hands: leading lady and last gentleman meet in center, giving right hands and turning once (4 bars). Then leading gentleman and last lady meet in center giving right hands and turning once.
8--------------(b) give left hands: Repeat (a) but giving left hands.
16-------------(c) swing: Leading lady and last gentleman meet in center and swing for 8 bars. Repeat with leading gentleman and last lady.
?--------------(d) thread the needle: Leading couple give right hands and half turn, then giving left hand to next person in opposite line and half turn, then right hand back to own partner and half turn... giving right to partner (& half turn) and left to subsequent person in line (& half turn) thru the entire line.
8--------------(e) swing home: first couple swing down center back to starting position
---------------C. Lead around and arches
8--------------(a) Lead around: Couples lead their line to the outside (gentlemen going right, ladies going left) around to the last position in the line.
8+-------------(b) Arches: leading couple makes arches in last position. All others advance under arches so 2nd couple is now leading couple and leading couple has become last couple.

The dance continues untill all couples have had a turn as leading couple.