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High-Cauled Cap

A reel for four couples (576 bars)


A, C, E and G are men; B, D, F and H are women. AB are leading Tops, CD opposite Top; EF are leading Sides and GH opposite sides.

BARS-----------A. Lead Round
16-------------Dancers half right turn and lead around a complete circle. Rleease hands, turn about inwards. Man takes partners right hand in his left and both lead back to place.

---------------B. Body
16-------------(a) Sides: Leading and opposite tops side-step to the right (behind), while leading and opposite Sides side-step to the left, all partners holding hands; all finish with two short threes. (Tops have exchanged places with couples on their right) All side-step to the next position, ending with two short threes. (opposite of starting position) Side-step on to next position, ending with two short threes, and side-step on to starting position, finishing with two short threes.
16-------------(b) Double quarter chain: Each man takes his partners right hand in right and both turn once in place. The man chains with left hand to the woman on his left and both turn in place, then chains back to his own partner with right hand, turning her in place. Continue the chain with left hand to woman on right, both turn once in place, chain back to own partner with right hand, and turn once in place.
16-------------(c) Women interlace: Each woman dances in front of her partner towards the man on her left, passes behind and around in front of him, dances back towards own partner and behind him to original position. men meanwhile remain in position. Women give right hands across the center, danc around to the left, drop hands, give left hands to the man on the right of the woman's original position. Both turn once in place, chain on to own partner with right hand and turn in place.
16-------------(d) Men interlace: Each man now dances in front of his partner towards the woman on his right, passes behind and around in front of ther, then dances back towards hi own partner and behind her to his original position. Men give right hands across tin the center, dance around to left, drop hands, give left hand to the woman on the right of the man's original poistion, both turn once in place, chain on to own parrtner with right hand and turn in place. 16-------------(e) Stamp and clap: All stamp right foot twice to 1 bar, and clap hands three times to second bar; repeat. Partners change places with side-step, ending with two short threes. Repeat movement, side-stepping back to original place.

---------------C. 1st Figure
64-------------Leading Tops take right hands and side-step towards the opposite couple, ending with thwo short threes; side-step back, ending with two short threes. Both turn once in place. The man dances around the woman on his left and back, while the womand dances around the man on her right and back. Both take hands and turn into place. Opposite Tops, leading Sides, and opposite Sides then perform the 1st Figure in that order.

---------------D. Body
80-------------Repeat B.

---------------E. 2nd Figure
96-------------Circle and Cross: Leading Tops advance to the opposite couple and pass through, the woman passing around the opposite man and the man passing around the opposite woman. All four give right hands across and dance around clockwise; release hands, leading Tops dancing back to place opposite. Tops turn once in position. The men advance, passing right arm to right to opposite woman, take her left hand and dance around her, release hands, and dance back to place. Take own partner's right hand and turn in place. both couples dance a circle to the right around each other and back to place. Opposite Tops, leading sides, and opposite sides the perform the 2nd Figure in that order.

---------------F. Body
80-------------Repeat B.

---------------G. 3rd Figure
32-------------Women chain: Top women advance, give right hands in the center, and continue to the opposite man, giving left hands. both turn in place and the women return to their own partner, both making a full turn in place. Both couples dance a complete circle around each other. Side women repeat movement.

---------------H. Body
80-------------Repeat B.

---------------I. Finish
40-------------All dancers join hands in a circle, forearms bent sharply upwards and elbows held in to the sides. Advance to the center and retire. Advance and retire again. All side-step anticlockwise and finish with two short threes; side-step back, finishing with two short threes. Advance and retire twice as before. All side-step clockwise and back, then couples take hands and swing around to the right to finish.