Did you enjoy “Batman Begins”?

Did you find yourself on (or over) the verge of weeping at finally being given a

film that didn’t hurt your teeth?

Was Katie Holmes too much to bear, so that you ran screaming into the night after only half an hour?

Did you almost wet yourself with glee at the teaser at the end of the film for who will be in the sequel?

(If you’re confused, best see the film before doing this survey!)


In other words: Does this matter a lot to you?

Do you want to do your bit to make sure your satisfaction continues or your gripes are addressed? Join other Batsy fans and take charge of your situation! Download the Survey form and fill it in (either a print-out or digitally), returning it to This Address or This one if that gets full and bounces back. Please try to get forms done by August, as chances are, the sequel is already in pre-production!


Do your bit to make sure atrocities like Batman and Robin are never foisted on us again!


The Survey


My example, if you perhaps need memory jogs or are just nosy like that:




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