Rowena has a Joker problem!  

(And she thinks you should have too!)


                        Way Cool Font #1

                Way Cool Font #2


[Okay, so it's absolutely crucial you download those fonts, else these pages will just look an embarassing mess! Kisses.]

Rowena spends many happy hours drooling over her favourite Joker comics and compiling short .wmv files for her fellow coulrophiliacs.  The images used herein are certainly not owned by Rowena (perish the thought!) but are viewed in the same way as one views a comicbook leant by a friend: joyfully and without financial gain.



BIG! 4megs or so. But worth it.

Contains some of my best MSPaint
segue animation, set to Tori
Amos’s “Riot Poof”.


Smaller. Only 1meg. A mere droolfest
of favourite Joker moments, set to the

Oh-so-appropriate lines from Tori’s
Don’t Make Me Come To Vegas”.


Then again, you could always just download those lines and use them as a Windows start-up sound or something…  I use this clip myself…


Wait! WAIT WAIT WAIT! I have new news! (As opposed to noo-noos, you immature gits!) *YUMMY JOKER GOODNESS* has BEGUN! But don't be surprised if it has a few, um... bugs. Because it's not done yet. So my narrative stops abruptly. But hey. Enjoy the images that are up so far! :) Also, the BATMAN FAN SURVEY is up for you to have your say in the future of Bigscreen Batsy.
And, as always... Ta-ta from Teh (plushie) J: