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Candle With Sign Saying Let Your Love Shine

Have you ever had anyone say negative or false things about you? What happens when we discover that someone has been talking about us behind our back? Depending upon the circumstances, we might feel betrayed, hurt, angry, sad, or we might experience all of these feelings and more. When I consider what is printed in the Tabloids, it is easy to see how gossip can get out of hand. I am sure that the people who have had stories printed about them without their permission would agree that gossip can be very damaging. The same holds true for anyone who has discovered that they have been the victim of gossip. The results can be devastating. Within the body of Christ I have seen friendships, prayer groups, webrings, and other ministries completely fall apart as a result. I have had to ask myself what would Jesus do about this problem. The following scripture shows us what we can do when we have a problem with someone. At the same time, it reveals to us the importance of steering clear from gossip.

**Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault between you and him alone.**
Matthew 18:15

I began to realize how different things would be if everybody actually did this. What if everyone decided that instead of taking a certain problem to other people, they would take it directly to the person involved? I have heard many people say, "Why didn't they just come to me first?" We've probably all said this at one time or another. I think that the following scripture best describes the impact that gossip can have on us. It reveals just how deeply we are affected by it.

**The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles; they go down into the inmost body.**
Proverbs 18:8

Even if we have a valid complaint against someone, I believe that it is still considered gossip if we don't share it with that person first. Unfortunately, gossip has soured a lot of people's desire to serve. Think of potential Politicians, Physicians, Educators, Entertainers etc., who aren't interested in having themselves be so severly scrutinized. Therefore, they decide that it's not worth the effort. The same holds true within the church. I have known of people who have been so hurt by others that it has become too painful for them to consider serving again. I think that the next scripture shows us what the main problem is. Our TONGUE.

**Death and life are in the power of the TONGUE, and those who love it will eat its fruit.**
Proverbs 18:21

Speaking from experience, I know that it isn't very easy to control the tongue. I have to work at it all the time. Taming the tongue is truly a process but it is definitely worth it. With the Lords help, we can learn how to gain control of what we say and begin to demonstrate compassion and LOVE for each other. My main reason for doing this page, is to help raise awareness of the need that we all have for LOVE. Do you have a complaint with someone? You could choose to let it go or you could choose to talk to that person directly. Has someone hurt you with their gossip? You can choose to forgive them and move on. We can all begin to choose to let go of our critical spirit and begin to reach out in LOVE to each another. For as it is written in 1 Corinthians 13:8, LOVE never fails.
Yes, LOVE is truly the answer.

**And now abide faith, hope, LOVE, these three; But the greatest of these is LOVE.**
1 Corinthians 13:13


What the world needs now
Is LOVE sweet LOVE
It's the only thing
That there's just too
Little of
What the world needs now
Is LOVE sweet LOVE
NO, not just for some
but for EVERYONE!!


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What the world needs now
Is LOVE sweet LOVE