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All are precious in His sight

Have you ever found yourself judging another person? I suppose that we've all done this on occasion. Isn't it interesting how we can easily magnify another persons faults? Even when a persons strengths seem obvious, we might find ourselves focusing only on their weaknesses. If only we could see into peoples hearts the way that God can. If only we could know another persons pain and sorrow. If only we could know every persons kind thoughts and good deeds. Yet, how can we possibly know everything that there is to know about another person? How can people begin to fully understand each others differences? Thankfully, God is all knowing and able to see the things that we can't. I am reminded how God has instructed us not to look on the surface of things. With God's help we can begin to see each other in a much different way. Instead of looking at a persons flesh, we can get to know people by God's Spirit. Aren't you glad that His mercies are new each morning? Thank goodness! With His help, we can begin to extend mercy and grace to each other. Scriptures say that it's not by might and it's not by power. It is accomplished by God's Spirit. Only God can bring us into unity with each other. When we begin to yield to the work of His Spirit we will find ourselves beginning to walk in a greater love and understanding of one another.

Pink Heart With Scrolling Message Love Gives A Heart Wings

We are one in the Spirit
We are one in the Lord
We know that our Unity
Will one day be restored
They will know we are Christians
By our Love
Yes, they'll know we are Christians
By our Love

Behold, how good and how pleasant
It is for brethren
To dwell together in unity.
Psalms 133:1

I in them, and you in Me;
That they may be made perfect in ONE,
And that the world may know
That You have sent Me,
And have loved them
As you have loved Me.
John 17:23


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They will know we are Christians
By our love