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Young girl sitting on a bench looking at a bunny
I love to plant flowers and watch them grow. Sometimes I just sit on my patio and enjoy the fresh air. Usually I find myself deep in thought. I might think about my children and what is going on in their lives. Other times, I might contemplate current events and what has been happening in the world. Sometimes I just focus on the beauty of the flowers in bloom. In the winter time I enjoy lighting candles and taking the time to relax and unwind. Usually one of my cats will curl up with me and I will think about how glad I am that God created animals. I guess that you could say that I like to sit and ponder. One of the reasons why I like to write is because I enjoy recording my impressions.
Young girl sitting on the grass with a butterfly
I remember the first time that I read about Mary in the bible. It says that Mary treasured and pondered in her heart the things that she witnessed and heard about her son Jesus. Having children of my own, I can relate to that. Isn't it interesting that Mary pondered these things in her heart not in her mind? Have you ever wondered if God ponders over things too? Scriptures say that He probes and examines our hearts. Could this mean that God ponders over our pondering hearts? If so, perhaps it is only natural for us to ponder too. This seems especially true when it comes to our children. After all, I believe that our Father God is doing the very same thing. Isn't it really great to know that He does?
Young girl sitting on a bench by a barrel of apples

For the ways of man
Are before the eyes of the Lord.
And He ponders all his paths.
Proverbs 5:21

The works of the Lord are great,
Studied by all who
Have pleasure in them.
Psalm 111:2

How precious also
Are Your thoughts to me, oh God.
How great is the sum of them.
Psalm 139:17

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