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Hello! I am Vicki.
I design and help design personal websites.
Please ask to see some of the
websites I have designed!!
I call them my "Heavensites".

Here's how it works.


A single page website:
$22.00 (Canadian funds)
$15.00 (U.S. funds).

You may consider a five-page website!
I have set a very affordable
and reasonable fee of
$75.00 (Canadian funds)
for this particular package .
Each additional page over the five
included in this package
will be charged at the single page price.
I also offer maintenance fees
should you want regular changes on your site.
For example, if you will require high maintenance
at a minimum of 10 changes per month, my fee is
$20.00 (Canadian funds)
for that service.

We can negotiate the rest!

You may find individuals or companies
who charge less or charge more than I do,
however, I have placed an amount based on what
I feel my work is worth.

I put my whole heart and soul
into a project and try to give you
exactly what you are looking for,
if it is within my means.
If the amount seems reasonable to you,
then please read on.

A page on the internet
really has no end,
though it is much neater to
break up the information
in a number of pages
to make it easier for your visitors.
Because, I simply cannot work on
one website forever for only $75,
I put a time limit on the construction
of the site of one month.
(I am flexible on this if there are
reasonable extenduating circumstances,
but generally one month is my limit.)

Technically, it shouldn't take more
than two weeks to create
a good, working website,
so a month is more than enough time.

Just keep in mind that if you hire
Vicki's Slice of Heaven Webdesign,
you will have to know
exactly what you want
and make up your mind in one months time.

I am not a graphic artist.
I am self-taught on HTML
and have created MANY wonderful websites.
My clients will testify to their satisfaction.
(You can visit their sites
and read their guestbook entries!!!)

I will guide you every step of the way,
but such things as:

  • colors
  • graphics
  • fonts
  • content

    can be your choice.

    Your minimum $75 fee
    (5 page package)
    allows you to add anything to your site
    that you've seen and liked on this site
    or others I have designed.
    We may even be able to add more,
    so if you find something on another website
    you would like to add to your site,
    you can just contact me
    and we can talk about it.

    Please note: that I will not design
    or help design anything of a
    hardcore pornographic nature,
    or anything defammatory to any particular
    person or group.
    That is simply my choice.

    Please remember I am not
    a company offering webspace.
    I'm simply offering
    the practical application of HTML.
    That means I can apply and add things to your website like:

  • guestbooks & e-mail functions,
  • graphics & banners
  • chat rooms, bulletin boards & links
  • postcard services, webrings etc.

    I do not offer webspace
    and since I may not live close to you,
    you will have to have webspace I can access.
    Right now, I prefer to only work with Angelfire.
    I've found they're the most
    reliable and straight forward.
    Angelfire offers free webspace
    and registration and provide
    more than enough space for your needs.

    I will hold the password
    to your website until we deem it is complete,
    and when payment is received in full.
    At that time,
    I will either release the password to you
    (you would have to change it)
    or you can hire me to
    maintain your site for a decided upon fee.

    If I maintain the site,
    I will hold the password.
    Again, I have very reasonable fees for such a service!! :O)

    Now the fun part!!
    You'll need to have an idea of
    the layout of the page or site...
    colors, graphics, background etc.
    If you find a graphic
    you particularly like and want it for your page or site,
    be sure to only take something if it's offered as free.
    You'll want to add credits
    to your website for the free graphics,
    so be sure to jot down the
    name and homepage address of any
    sites you borrow graphics from.
    I have many sources of graphics,
    so if you find yourself needing assistance,
    I can help or point you in the right direction.

    I know it sounds like a lot of work
    is required on your end,
    but what I generally do is have
    or suggest that you
    sign up for a (new) free hotmail e-mail account,
    you can send all of the information needed
    (password info, reference etc)
    and we can both access it
    and close it down when the job is done
    or simply change the password
    if you want to continue using the e-mail account.

    So, now that you've read my requirements
    and you know what I require of you,
    e-mail me and tell me what you're interested in
    (or feel free to ask questions)!
    If we decide to work together,
    I'll give you the information
    you'll need to send the cheque or money order.

    Thank you so very much for interest in
    Vicki's Slice of Heaven Webdesign.
    I like working with people
    who have always dreamed
    of having their own website,
    and I am thrilled when I can help them
    realize their dream.

    Please e-mail me at

    and see if we can create a website just for YOU!!

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