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The Children In My Life

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly fly little wing
For it is love that you bring

One hundred years from now ...
It will not matter what your bank account was,
The sort of house you lived in,
Or the kind of car you drove ...
But the world may be a better place because
YOU were important in the life of a CHILD!

That has always been one
of my favourite verses.
Children are treasures, they are
heaven sent little angels.

I have had the good fortune
of loving many children and
whether they have been in my life,
my family or my daycare,
each one has touched my heart and
taught me unconditional love.

Here are the children in my life.
I have listed you no particular order...
some are family and some are friends,
but when you are loved by me, it never ends.

Age 10 and under!

Paige (my sweet neice and goddaughter)
Kyle (my amazing, loving nephew)
Taylor D.(my sweet goddaughter and cousin)
Mitchell (the blondest little boy I know, my cousin)
Brooke (smart cookie! and ~ we're cousins!)
Brett (my handsome, hockey lovin' little cousin)
Alanna (my cousin, dancin' her heart out)
Tessa and Jaret (cousins, so cute!)
Arielle (my little mermaid, and rugrat fan)
Cody (Macaroni, my day-to-day sweetie pie)
Katelyn (DEE loves her Bugaboo)
Derrick (Pokemon rules!)
Taylor G (Missy Ginn Tay)
Paul L.(budding hockey star!)
Alexander (Arthur FAN! so sweet)
Sarah Jane, James & John (we miss you!!!!)
Amanda & Christopher & William (so polite and loving, all 3!)
Ryan & Chelsey (missing you two terribly!!)

Pre-teen Group!

Amber (pretty and sweet, my pal!!)
Valerie (accomplished musician and 911 saviour, haha)
Kimberly G (miss you darlin!!)

(up to 18..then you get cut off...ha ha!)

Vaughn (growing the air cadets)
Jennifer (Juniper, LYLASNAF!! xxoo)
Heather-Joy (Harold-Joy, LTMSH!!)
Brad (cousin ~Ryan Phillipe????)
Adam (cousin~good game this year at the tourney!)
Randi, Melissa and Tara from OHIO!!!!!!!

Visit my other pages for kids:

Vicki's Storybook Corner
"Vicki's All-Star Kid of the Month" (could it be you?)
Back to Vicki's Slice of Heaven

Some graphics used from Northern Dreams.