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My Hope and Dream

The past seven years has been a very long, arduous journey for my husband and myself. We have been on a quest to have a family of our own and have experienced no success to this point.

We long for a child and hope one day our dream becomes a reality.

We want to thank all of our friends and family who hope, dream and pray right alongside us. We appreciate all of your support.

Please, don't stop praying for God's will in this situation. He has a plan for us, and whatever that is, we will accept it. Until we know, we do keep the hope and dream alive by wishing really hard!!!

Please click on the teddy bear to e-mail me or, take a moment to sign my guestbook. I like knowing who stopped by and what this page meant to you. I was inspired to create this page and hope it touches your heart like it did mine. ~Vicki~

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