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This website is a bit about me and all the things that are in my heart. What I believe, what I feel, and what I've learned so far on my incredible journey through life. First of all, I've never done anything like this before, so don't laugh. :P This is all new to me and I am still learning.:) I want to thank you for visiting my homepage at Angelfire! Come back again soon-as I will be constantly trying to improve things and add more pages!:) Oh, and don't be surprised if the backgrounds change from time to time....:) LoveandPeace, Dolphina

My Favorite pages:

A great site with much American Indian info.!
For all Eric Schweig fans!!
World Peace page
My Spirituality page
Tarot page
Check out the Barcole Foundation!!-one of my favorite organizations!!
Kathy's page (a great friend!!)