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My Spirituality Page!

I must say, first, that I do not believe that any religion or spiritualism is more right or wrong than another. In my own spiritual quest, I have come to believe that there is truth found in all things. All came from the Creator and all will return. I believe all religions/beliefs etc. carry an aspect of truth. Like spokes on a wheel, all roads lead back to the center/Creator. I realize that there are many who would argue that religions/beliefs should stay within cultural boundaries. That is the path they walk and that is fine-for them. But it is not my path so it is not one of my beliefs. It is my simple understanding that truth is truth and it has no boundaries. We all have our own path to walk...We all must find our own truth. We find truth when we follow our heart. That is all I have done. My own personal path has led me down the the path of the Native American Medicine Wheel. Growing up I never knew about or heard of the Medicine Wheel, but always felt an "unusual" connection with nature and animals. I remember being in my front yard singing a song (made up as I went along) to the bees. I honored their power and how they helped flowers to grow (as much as I understood it in the 4th grade anyway!)and I asked them not to sting me. I believed they could hear me and understand me. Sounds strange, but I've always felt that way-that animals could understand us more than we tend to think they can. I was first introduced to the Medicine Wheel from a book I read called EARTH MEDICINE by Kenneth Meadows. As I read those pages, something inside me was jumping up and down shouting, "That's it!! that's what I have felt all my life!!" Since then, I have been learning about the Medicine Wheel path. I've found an excellent author/teacher named Sun Bear. I've never met him personally, but have learned so much from his books. As I said, my path has led me primarily down the Medicine Wheel path. However my truth has also led me to explore other ways of being and believing. Such as Astrology, Tarot, Shamanism, etc. This page is a record of my own spiritual journey and discoveries. LoveandPeace, Dolphina *"WE SURVIVE TOGETHER--OR NOT AT ALL"*

Animal Totems page
