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World Peace-The dream

It has been said that every soul has a song to sing. If that is true, then this is my song--Peace. I truely believe that we cannot grow and expand as humans if we do not learn to carry peace in our hearts. Hasn't there been enough hatred, wars, discriminations, etc.?? Where has it brought us? Oh, we've made giant technological leaps no doubt...But take that away and it seems we are no different or better than we were almost a hundred years ago. I'm not knocking the little steps we have taken to improve ourselves as a species, but it's not enough. There's still too much violence..too much hatred...too much racism... My goal is to see that change somehow. My dream is to have the human race evolve beyond our present state. We have more potential than what we have become. I believe we are all related--What affects the one, affects the whole. This is my opinion, my belief, and my dream...... *"WE SURVIVE TOGETHER-OR NOT AT ALL"* LoveandPeace, Dolphina