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It was late at night.

The blue glow from the television flickered across our faces. We didn’t notice.

Alison was pounding ferociously away at the couch with her drumsticks, while, I flailed about with my guitar, while screaming into the remote control.

Suddenly through the cacophony, a voice. In that moment, everything made sense to us. “ It’s Patrick!” the voice said, “he just bought life insurance”, it continued. We dropped our sticks & guitars, watching, mesmerized. A woman, strong and sure was trying to communicate. She held up signs and we knew she had an important message to communicate. We realized that the voice on the box was speaking to us and that we must share this communication with the world.

So off we went, on our journey to It’s Patrickland!

We formed a band.

Flash forward.

It is now the edge of millenium and we have managed to share and exchange the force with many others! There have been many awesome people involved with this band, and Alison has moved on to play with Made.

The band is now featuring the spooky ethereal guitars of Rudy Rempel (formerly Squirrel), the “primal and yet spacious and driven drums of Steve Keeping, (formerly Squirrel) and the soft spoken and dark vocals of Michelle Breslin, who is also playing guitar. (formerly Fifth Column, Translove Airways)

It's Patrick website

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