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Erica's Music & Other Stuff!

Hello there! As you can probably tell, my name is Erica and I like MUSIC. The pic above is where it all started. In this tiny church is where R.E.M. first started their career. I think I've been listening to them since I was born. THEY ROCK!!! Please go South to find stuff, and yes, you can get there from here.
This page is, however, constantly under construction, so watch out for falling debris and unpleasant road workers.

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Links to R.E.M. Related Stuff (Original, eh?)

Links to My Fave Bands & Cool Stuff
R.E.M. Pics
The R.E.M. Concert on Sept. 5th, 1999
The Weather in Athens, GA as We Speak

Some Tidbits of Needless Babble (more stuff)

Miscellaneous Stuff (did I spell that right?)
A Little About Me...