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~*~MY NEWS!!!~*~

Alright kiddles....this is where you have come because you're interested in what's going on in my life! Ha! Lucky you cuz it's oh-so interesting - sorta! Well, I'll update as often as I can and I'll try to add fun pictures and visuals to spice it up for ya!! :)

March 5, 2001
I think that I'm gonna have to say that the purpose of today's entry will be three-fold. Number one: I am really really hoping that tomorrow will be a snow day...although, knowing my luck, the snow won't start up again and therefore, there will be no reason to implicate snow-day status in the Dufferin-Peel region. Damn you weather, damn you straight to hell. Number Two: I had the most insane dream last night about Jay. Why must he be do damn sexy for? Mmm...yummilicious *drool* Man, do I ever regret being so so mean to him when I met Chad. I mean, ack, so cute and sexy and sweet and he LIKED me dammit! Will I ever learn? I actually had a dream that I started talking to him again though and that he said he was gonna call me! The saddest part was that when I woke up I thought it was true! Ack! Number Three: I want to do some shameless plugging and send you guys to some damn good sites that I've been surfin' lately! First, there's UrbanKitten. This girl's got talent. She always has the prettiest layouts and I love her damn attitude! Damn! I also want to make a site like hers! Second, there's MijaDotNu. I can't get over this girl! Nay is soooo pretty and great and she's, what? Only 14! Damn, I wish I looked like her when I was 14! Plus, she's just too damn sweet! Lastly for today, I think I'll link Sarah's Site. This is just such a great site. Good cam, good journal, fun stuff, etc. And I'm out. :)

February 28, 2001
Ack! Final episode of Temptation Island was on tonight and that's what this entry is about folks. Yes, I am weird and I do have an obsession with oddities such as this show! I must say that I am ecstatic that the couples stayed together - it's, like, renewed my faith in relationships and stuff! I think it's so good that they all were able to have the experience as one that brought them closer together. But also, I'm IN LOVE with Andy! He's so cute! And he asked Shannon to marry him! Ahhhh....sooo dreamy and wonderful and he's soooo cute! But, I can't help it, my BIGGEST crush is on Billy. What a man, lol. He's a tank, daymn he's sexy! Eye candy for Lindsay! Woo! And Kaya and Valerie! Awwww...."you make me a better man"? How can any girl resist a guy saying that to them? I have to disagree with Sean and say that I thought it was sooo great even though it was really cliche! And I really think that Mandy and Billy seemed like soulmates, but what's with him moving to, like, LA and her not going? "Passionate long-distance relationship"? What the hell is that? Oh well, that just leaves more Billy for me...muahahahaha! I wish! Anyway, I'll be on my way now, but not before I leave some candy for myself and all of you! Go BILLY! :)

February 15, 2001
Ooo la after Valentine's Day....what's so special about it? Actually not much! Someone explain my insane luck to me. How is it that as soon as I start going out with Sean he gets grounded?? Sheesh! Now he can't come to Val's party either, but, oh well, I'm sure I can still manage to have some fun with the other people there - you know, being that they're all my friends! Don't worry guys, I love you tons and tons!! I must say that I thought it was pretty cool after school cuz Sean still managed to sneak over to my house for a bit...ahhhh, it's a good thing we see each other at school and stuff - I don't even know how long he's grounded for! Ah well, I'm quite sure that I'll survive! Gotta go now, Friends is coming on! :)

February 14, 2001
Ahhhh, Valentines Day! I think that I'm allowed to be happy and excited about Valentines this year! Ahhh....that's also the topic of this update! I can't believe it because yesterday Sean asked me out! Ack! I've only had a crush on him for sooo long! I mean, how much better can it get? Not much better in my opinion! Ahhhh....I'm such a girlie girl right now and all excited and such! Today was insane at school - Andrea knows, she practically attacked me when I got into school!!! Then Jen did and many other people felt the need to hit either me or Sean....that seems to be the congratulatory (sp?) act as of now - go figure! That's all for today, I'm kinda too hyper to write much. :)

February 10, 2001
Well, today was a pretty fun day. My dad came and got me and my bro this morning and when we got back to Newmarket he took us to get our Valentines Day presents (I didn't know I was THAT spoiled) but anyway, I got the cutest pj pants from the GAP that say I love you all over them! Valentines-like! And I got a white tank top to go with them! I feel sooooo loved! Ha! Other than that I didn't do much. I finally downloaded Weekend by Black Eyed Peas feat. Esthero like Alana and Char have been telling me to! I love it! Soooo good, download it now! Ahhh. Anyway, I'm off to find something maybe a little more interesting to do! Share the love, and remember kids, never stick metal utensils in the toater while it is plugged in! :)

February 8, 2001
Ahh...nothing to say today at all really, but I'm bored and for some really bizarre reason there is no one on ICQ tonight! Maybe I'll finally get to go to bed at a normal hour without getting caught up in talking to someone! I mean, I cannot go to bed at 12 anymore when I have to get up for school! It just doesn't work...I don't really wanna be that person falling asleep in class all the time, but today it was me again in photography! Sheesh! Good thing Mr. Dovigo wasn't there. He probably would have had some torturous punishment in mind to embarass the hell outta me. Oh well, not much can be done about it now! Anyway, I know that Chad and Chris are probably in Quebec by now so I hope they're having tons of fun since I am stuck here going to school! I tip my hat to them and their fun - just like this star! :)

February 7, 2001
Not too much going on today!! Getting into my classes a bit more which is making them somewhat more interesting, so I hope we keep going along in such a fasion. Today I feel asleep in TAP which shows you all how productive an activity that is...go Mike Harris *yeah, right* Anyway, today's entry is dedicated to Cameron and his many injuries. The poor guy has gone through enough stuff. Sheesh! I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to handle all of his insane hockey injuries, etc., so I must give him kudos for it! Today he's missing hockey, but he gets to watch Temptaion Island (bonus) and talk to me (ha!). But anyway, here's a Band-Aid for the ouchies (and yes, I'm a nerd and such a girl and whatever dumb thing you can possibly think of, but I couldn't resist the old skool Band-Aid tin!) :)

February 5, 2001
What? Two days in a row? This is unheard of!! Today wasn't any sort of special day so this entry will probably be short. Well, I went to school even though I really really didn't wanna. My classes seem to suck this semester, but maybe that's just because I'm not used to them yet. I do know for sure that I miss my old classes though. The highlight of today has been at this very moment when I am listening to the Brodie CD that Charlotta sent me! Absolutely fabulous ROCK goodness! I'm in love!!! Well, that's all for now I think. Also, I added those friend-type comments for Andrea and Mel!! :)

February 4, 2001
Ooo la la, last night was sooooo fun!! It was Angela's birthday party at the Lodge and all were in attendance. It was really great because I got to see everyone (including Mel and Andrea who I don't get to see all that much) and we all had so much fun dancing - even though most of us aren't really the dancing kind per say. Mel and Andrea sure got me into it though...I just hope I didn't look like some of the other people out there though...eek! We even got Steve to dance, and Brodie a little! Ahhh, the accomplishments! I also saw Chad last night who I haven't seen in 344643 million years!!! It was fun (I think I'm overusing that adjective, or so it seems). Then Chad asked Mel for her phone number, oh me and Andrea are sooooo good (yes us, right hun?) But now Mel's outta the club - the single club that is...then again, lucky her, I'd rather be out than in! HA! :)

January 31, 2001
Last day of January...I thought that this might be an appropriate time for a new entry. I can't believe how fast 2001 is going already, it seems like New Year's was only a week ago! Ah well, maybe faster is better sometimes - as long as you fit in all the good stuff. Well, Valentines Day is quickly approaching and let me tell you, I am not anticipating it's arrival. I mean, blah, explain to me why I should be excited when there seems to be no prospects for a boyfriend anywhere in the near future. But really, I need some plans for the 14, I don't care what they are, I don't care who they're with, I just wanna be doing something! Too bad it's a Wednesday or it could have been some sort of girly sleepover, but alas, that will have to wait for a later date. Along the same lines of dreading Valentines Day, I must tell you that yours truly is not looking forward to prom either. Same scenario...if anyone has a solution, let me know. First of all, I don't get the hype about prom, secondly no date = Lindsay's not going to prom. Sorry folks, it's just not happening. Anyway, I'm sure that's enough bitching for tonight, I mean c'mon, I get to look forward to tomorrow cuz Survivor is on (yes, I'm a dork, but anyone who knows me knows that) and on Friday I start my new classes (again, a dork)!! :)

January 13, 2001
Yeah, I know, I's been TOO long since I've done this, but c'mon, gimme a break!!! I had Christmas break and I wasn't home enough to do it and then I had so much homework this week that I hardly had time to sleep, let alone update my news! The best thing though is that I finally finished my law essay (even though, truth be told, it's not THAT great) and I'm on my way to being done English, the rough copy is done! Other than that, not much is new...last weekend I went to Scarborough and saw all the guys plus like a million new people (half of them named Jen, LOL)! I've also come to a few realizations...the first being that I probably shouldn't sign Nick's guestbook as much as I do, because no one seems to find it as exciting as I do, also, there are no good boys at school....they're all being dumb I think! Ha! Also, I'm so sad because someone signed my guestbook as Val saying mean things and I really hope it's not Val! Eeeek! And if it's not her, then I wonder who it is! Ah well, I'll just make sure it wasn't her and then I don't care! Accck! I'm on a music binge lately I think...there are so many CDs that I want and not nearly enough funds to pay for them all...grrr...that's annoying, but today Weezer was only $12.99 so that was exciting! Thank you HMV! And I bought Funkmaster Flex Vol. 4 at Cameron's recommendation and I should thank him for such a good one! Go Cameron! Anyway, I think I should be done more thing, I'm gonna be adding a few New Year's pics soon along with a few others so watch out! :)

December 29, 2000
Ok, so the countdown is almost starting! We're getting WAY closer to New Year's and I couldn't be more excited than I am getting right now! Eeek! Well, my Christmas was good and I got pretty damn spoiled if I do say so myself! I also got a new camera so when I start doing some more photography I'll put it on here! I also saw some family over Christmas and both of my closest cousins have cute and great boyfriends....I guess it's up to me to finish up the trio...if only there were cute and great boys that liked me :\ Ah well. I logged on to Messenger today cuz I haven't in a while and someone named Matt M. had added me to their I just need to figure out who it is...maybe I'll do a little emailing and find out! Ack!! Let's see....what else....ah, my Scarborough boys have left for Quebec today, so I hope they have a kick ass time and party hard for me too! I'll talk to you when you get back! Other than that, there's not much new...I'm not really looking forward to next week because I have two essays to write, but I am excited about getting them over with and only having exams left! Go next semester!!! :)

December 14, 2000
Oh my! I have some crazy news to write here about my adventures with Jennifer yesterday!!! Eeek! OK, so she wanted to come Christmas shopping with me, which was fine by me, cuz it's always better with someone else! So we went and we got to the mall about about 4 30...after that, we proceeded to shop for FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!!!! That is WAY too long to be at the mall I must tell you...we went what I affectionately call "mall crazy". This entails laughing as loudly as possible, collapsing from fatigue on store floors, harassing or making best friends with store employees, etc!! But, here's the was sooo much fun! I have never laughed so hard! I recommend that everyone come shopping with Jen and I at some point in your life because a better time will never be had! Ha! But it is not for the faint of heart because we can get NASTY!!! Eeeek! Watch out! :)

December 10, 2000
I'm back! And not too much later! I'm not doing too badly with this updating more often thing! I'm so proud! This weekend was pretty fun I must say. Alana, Char and I had much fun last night on our escapade. Starbucks, I must say, rules supreme for their Caramel Macchiato! But no Venti, right Alana? Especially no Breath Savers after! It's the combination of death!!! Eeek! But parties are fun...especially ones in retro pads that belong to nice fun boys!!! And following Darcy to the party was quite the adventure! I am finally finished my two religion projects and I will tell you - they weren't as hard as I thought they'd be which I'm happy about! I'm free now!!! That's all for now! :)

December 7, 2000
Not much going on lately, but I was already here adding Matt to my friends page so I thought I might as well update this! Yay for dedication - well sorta! Other than that there's not much new with me, except that I have to say that I've VERY excited because my law mark went up 5% so now it's at a 78!! Yess! Not exactly my calibre of marks, but still better than a 73!! This weekend is gonna be a crazy one and I'm not looking forward to more procrastination for me after this!! Eeep!! Anyway, I'm tired so it's time for bed and I'm out!! :)

December 4, 2000
Wow!! It's been ages since I've done anything on here!! I want to start by thanking all you people who still come to visit me even when there's nothing new or exciting for an entire month! The saddest part is that I don't have much more going on now than I did a month ago! Eeek! I have homework coming outta my ears and that's stressing me out like crazy, but after this weekend I'll be golden....for a little while at least! And Christmas break is coming up! Who can forget about that? Not me! One thing I definitely need to add to today's news is that it's Brodie's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROD!!! I know he's not home (being in Phoenix and all) but still, at least someone's wishing him a happy birthday! Let's see....what else is hair is back to blonde again, well,'s kinda streaked, I dunno if I'll keep it, but I will for now since I don't really want to mess around with it before grad pics! Well, since I don't have much more to say now I'll just stop, but I'm gonna try and do this more often from now on!! :)

November 2, 2000
Well, let's see what's going on in the life of Lindsay today? Not much really....I'm actually a pretty boring girl! Boring and sick....and it's all Brodie's fault! Or possibly mine for hanging out with him all weekend? Maybe, but who knows? So yes, I was quite a mean girl to Nick apparently today, so I'm sorry :)! It's not a REAL fight though, so it's ok!! I also must add that Dina and I are the new football girls for the Jags! Go team! With an honourable mention to Matt and Sean - just for being in law with us!!! That's all for today, love you all! :)

October 31, 2000
Ooooo....Halloween, trick-or-treating and all that other junk. It's not that exciting when you're too old to do anything anymore! If you can't tell, I'm a tad on the cynical side today. I've decided that the majority of the population isn't very nice at all, and I hate feeling thing way! Jeez! I mean, jealousy and errr....meanness.....errrr people! I mean, why do people get such pleasure and amusement out of doing mean things? On a different note though, I must say that Brodie is very very awesome for doing me so many favours! Well not sooooo many, but taking me to the mall today was very very nice! That's why he's one of my best friends you see! Before I go, I must warn you all never to watch Dead Man Walking...I think that movie has scarred me for life (or scarred me beyond repair, right Jen?). At any rate, it was disturbing and I didn't like it one bit. Just thought I'd let you know! :)

October 26, 2000
Well, I must start off by saying that, yes, our football team DOES kick ass! Ha! 8 to 7 against Notre Dame! Yeah baby!!! Not much else happened today besides that though....I missed half the day to see our boys play football! And also, I must thank Matt for wiping his sweaty football hands all over me...ya know, I wouldn't want to be left out of that kinda fun! Never! Other than that, we're watching a new movie in English called Renaissance Man! Yes! Sooo good! And I must say that Marky Mark just adds to the goodness along with the other cute boys and Stacey Dash! Yess! See it, it's good. And, yes, I drew this picture! Ahhh the talent... :)

October 24, 2000
Ooooo la la....what a night! I must say that what made it was that it was the season premiere of Frasier!! It was extremely enjoyable and cute and entertaining and any other good adjective that you feel like adding to this list. If you didn't watch it I have to say that I think you missed out on some great humour I might add! And I also have to say that Chris is my new best friend because of this! I mean, how many other people use terms like smart humour? Well, probably quite a few, but that's not the point! The fact that I had just finished saying to my mom that it was smart humour was only emphasized by the fact that Chris used the exact same words to describe Frasier! We MUST be best friends! Plus it's just another reason to mention Chris on here cuz he liked it so much the first time! :)

October 21, 2000
Ahhhh!!! I have a Scarborough weekend update and I must tell you, Friday was tres fun!!! Even though it took Val and I an hour and a half to get there (damn traffic, go back to work all of you!) we still made it there! First we saw Chris M. and his crew! The driving range was much fun! I also must say that I enjoyed his bus pass (Phife McCPhife). Ha! I love it! Val will get that one! She'll appreciate it! We also saw Cameron, Nick, Rick, Greg and other assorted people and good times were had by all! Especially because I hadn't seen them for a month!!! Ha! And I got to sleep in Cameron's bed! More like pass out in it, but still, it was so comfortable! Now all I have to do is get Cameron to stop kicking me where I snore - I can't help it! Sheesh! PS. Cameron wasn't kicking me when I was in his bed...he was kicking me on the couch. I had the bed to myself! Thought I'd clear that one up for everyone. :)

October 18, 2000
OK, so my thought for today seems to be that people need to lighten up!! I mean, c'mon, relax! Don't sweat the small stuff! Catch my drift? I've come to the realization that people will get worked up over anything and everything possible. For example, if someone cuts you off in the hall just calm down, it's going to happen no matter what you do so you may as well not spazz about it (this goes for me too). I think I am going to make up my own life philosophy! That could be fun - yet challenging at the same time, as I don't want to restrict myself, or contradict myself in my new rules either! I will have to put some thought into this one! I have also discovered that I am in love with Shakespeare! I'm reading ahead in Hamlet in my spare time...yes, I am a dork. :)

October 17, 2000
Extra, extra, read all about it! I talked to Cameron last night and I must say that I enjoy his antics!! I haven't talked to him on the phone in AGES so it was a nice change from ICQ!! He was also extremely informative on the topic of Pizza Pizza for that is where he works, you see. He told me, that since he works for Pizza Pizza, he not only works at Air Canada Centre but has also worked in Hamilton and Lindsay (go Lindsay!) Anyway, how does he get to all these places you ask? Well, I will tell you. They provide transportation. What sort? A PIZZA PIZZA VAN!! That is possibly the best thing I've ever heard! I mean, a Pizza Pizza van? Yessss! There is one thing that Cameron did tell me was disspointing about this van though, and that is that it has a good sound system, but they don't play pizza music! No songs about pepperoni or be quite frank, I can see how he would be dissapointed. I would be too. On another note, I should mention some news from today...I had my english quiz today and I know I bombed the quotes section, but I aced the rest so I'm a-ok. I also had my law seminar and we kicked bum!! Go team! :)

October 16, 2000
OK, so yeah, I'm officially pissed yet again! Go me! Rogers is sucking massive. It just decided to cut out on my last night while I was in the midst of quite a few conversations on ICQ!! Damn thing! Anyway, that will explain the sporadic updates in here! Anyway, there's not much new on the homefront...except for the fact that I dyed my hair on Saturday!! Tres exciting! It is now dark brown! The change is soooo different and a little hard to get used to! I might have a picture soon so watch for it!! Anyway, that's all the news for now....time to work on my law seminar again!! :)

October 14, 2000
Eeeep...sorry guys, I really don't have much excuse for the lack up updating here. Well, last night I do because I didn't get home until quite late and I went right to bed....the Battle of the Bands really tired me out! Whew!!! I have to say that Chris's band The Livid really kicked ass and so did a few of the other bands! I have a new found love for Kid Menace....they kicked as much ass as the Livid! Ha! I must say that I could make a habit out of going to these shows! I had much fun!!! Maybe take away the 12 year old girls and then we can talk about ultimate fun!!!! :)

October 11, 2000
Ok, so I know there was no update yesterday, but it was beyond my control. Rogers @ Home = stinkage a lot of the time at my place. I will never understand how the internet can be down more than it is up! I mean, c'mon! Well, today and tomorrow we have no school (yay for province wide testing, if only the Scarborough boys could make it up here) so last night the girls and I went out on the town! Out on a Tuesday night you say? Why yes, we did go out on a Tuesday, and believe you me, it was straaaange! Ha! I am so excited today! Only two more sleeps until Battle of the Bands! Yeah! I've also heard that some mysterious Richmond Hill boys are coming to join in the festivities! Rock on! :)

October 9, 2000
Well, let's see.....what's doin' for today? It's Thanksgiving so that's gotta be worth something! Ha! I told Nick that I'd talk about him in here so I am! Nick and I have been grumpy buddies for a while....why you ask? Cuz we're both grumpy? Sounds logical enough!! So yes, I am also so happy with him now because he finally put a new comment about me on his page! It only took like 4 months but he did it! Wooo! And I'm enjoying his updatage because finally I'm not the only one!!! So, Nick, today's message is for you! Ha! :)

October 8, 2000
Very little news for today except for the fact that Chad and Brodie are both sucking because they are going to the Docks and no one will come get me even though I'm sooo bored! Jerk faces....although, it is a 45 minute drive so that sucks too!! Sorry no news for yesterday, but the workage of my internet was non-existent thanks to the rain and snow....errr....I thought I was gonna go insane! Anyway, time for turkey, have a good Thanksgiving! :)

October 6, 2000
Today was such a day! So many things seem to have happened even though they really didn't! Ha! Ah well, I didn't have to go to last period! Thank goodness for football!! Woooo! And for Social Science teachers!! It all kicks ass! Anyway, today I was extremely happy because Brodie took me to the mall and I finally got my Ecko sweatshirt! Red! Ha! And Brodie wanted it but I got it before him! Yay! Well, the rest of the weekend should prove to be weekend for Thanksgiving....ah well, it'll be fun, if I don't have a spazz first! Anyway, I have a craving for Ice Capp, so I'll be makin' one now! :)

October 5, 2000
Hey! This is the first day of this news section so we'll see how it goes! I've realised that I have quite a lot of time on my hands and since I can't ever think of new things to put on my site, I will put this news page! Basically, I'll give you updates on my site and my life on here! Ha! Sounds like fun! I can't wait! I hope you can't either! It'll be like reading my diary - except maybe a little less personal!! Too bad for diary would be good! Ha! Aaaanyway, today was pretty uneventful, not much happened at all which seems to be the theme for a lot of my days! The only thing that really caught my attention today was when Steve flicked my ear - which was extremely painful cuz I just got the cartilage pierced yesterday!!! I coulda killed him, he's lucky he ran, or he might not have been here now, I would've dropped him :)