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Age: 70

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 94 lbs.

Birthday: June 13th

Hometown: Thamasa

Skill: Lore

Treasure: Monster Costumes

Likes: Monsters

Hates: Being treated old

Low HP Attack: Sabre Soul

Uses: A great mage is Strago. His Lore's are very potent, inflicting good damage.

Weaknesses: Learning his Lore's can get irritating, especially the one's that monster's don't use too often. Some of his Lore's can expend a large amount of MP.

History: Throught his years (and boy there's a lot of em'), Strago always had an interest in monster behavior. When he was young, he and Gung-Ho attempted a near impossible feat, and failed. They would go to Ebot's Rock to hunt down the monster known as Hidon. Over the years, Ebot's Rock went under the Ocean. One day, a friend of his passed away. he swore to her that he'd take care of her child, as if she were his own granddaughter. Her name is Relm.