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The Itsy Bitsy Angel  

by Diana


An Itsy Bitsy Angle 

Once landed next me

She hopped upon my shoulder

And rocked with Angel glee

My eyes of blue must have opened

As far a they could be

For who would expect an Angel

That one could actually see

My mind went blank as a paper

With no words upon it's face

And I could feel my heart 

rapidly begin it's fearful race

You can imagine the shock I felt

To realize she's no feathery bird

But the tiniest of creatures

With silver wings to carry her

She snickered as I stared in fear

And fell when I jumped in fright

The two of us first meeting

Had to be a silly sight 

When she could catch her breath

From all the laughing that she'd done

She said she was so happy she

Had to meet the first time only once

Of course my mind was thinking

She could have saved me 

From this fearful first!

When out of her Angel mouth

Came the sweetest Bible Verse

I listened in anticipation 

As she recited every line

The beauty of her words

Said in a gentle erythematic time

Tears that formed like diamonds

Cascaded from the corner of my eyes

The feelings she invoked in me

Began to slowly make 

Their warming creep

Who would have thought

Such a tiny little thing

Could move me in such a way

Simple words of honesty said

Could make me teary eyed this way

As she carried out her

Recital of this tender little verse

Her words awoke a part of me

I thought had long been cursed

God has given us all a lesson 

Something different for each one 

When you experience something

Exciting, Bold or Blue

Look for the little lesson

It's God's way of teaching 

 That makes a better person Out of You

She spoke of days as numbers

And guarding every one

Never waste a moment

Won't be long until their done

Friendship is a must with her

Good friends are a number one

Protect them all your life

And count your blessings for having

The gift of each and every one

A Family is to Honor

Give thanks you have each one

Remember they are there for you

Till your finale setting sun

Money is just an object

It's not meant to rule your life

Take time to see the beauty

That is there for you to see

You have no need of enormous money

At times the best is free

Kindness is a gift

That comes back to you by the ton

If you take the time

To pass it out to everyone

Be honest in what you say and do

Words can be as the sharpest knife

You never know how what you say

Can effect another's life

Remember how our actions

Can do damage by the score

Make sure you treat every person

That comes treading to your door

As if they were really a part of you

Remember what we pass out

Comes back and haunts us too

Put God in the center

Of all you say and do

There is no one better qualified

To gently guide you through

I thanked this little Angel

For reminding of the truth

The simple things I'd forgotten

And the regaining of my youth

I said goodbye to her that day

And counted myself blessed

I can't imagine my life again

With out the words she sweetly said

She gave me a part of her

That I will not forget

This little Angel proved to me

What you give from the heart

Is a gift thats truly Blessed!


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