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Moments of Quiet

by Diana


During stolen moments 

In the quiet times of my day

While looking out my window at the gentle fallen snow

A sentimental feeling envelops me

A sensation that seems to thrive deep within my soul

Moments when my mind wanders thru past and present

Igniting my deepest feelings and my endless Love of you


I could write a hundred Poems all dedicated in your name

Sing words from a rhapsody of  the most beautiful love Songs

But nothing can compare to this overwhelming emotion I hold inside  

And the memories of the Love from the Beautiful person that you once were


I can see you in my dreams

Hear you in the melody of  all the beautiful songs

Feel you in my heart with every setting Sun


When I have a question 

I can hear you whisper the answer gently in my ear

Not the normal whispers of the living 

But whisperings that cross the distance only death can bring

Your like a piece of sunshine

That glows within my "self"

It's the part death can't take from me

It's forever within my embrace


I hold memories of the twinkle in your smiling blue eyes

The timber of your laughter 

And the feel of your embrace

I was with you in your finale moment

The taking of your last and finale breath

I will hold that memory within me 

Until my own finale moment that will come upon my death


No death can't take it all

As hard as it may try

When we love deeply we keep our memories alive inside of us

We keep old conversations active within our minds

Our Respect never fades

Our Love never dims

We can still communicate

We just have to be cleaver and learn to do it from deep within

@ by Diana2000


Please support your local Hospice

 Quality of a loved ones life is more valuable than Quantity of life.


The Graphic used for my Applet was sent to me by Starfire

Thank You good friend!

This Poem is dedicated to my Father.. I can write a million Poems but

I will always miss you Daddy!

The Song is "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Housten

No matter how much it hurt to lose my Father
Staying would have hurt him more..Diana

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