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Who we are and who we want to be

Who we were conceived  from 

Where we're headed to

Are reflections of  our Fathers dreams

Reflections of where they wanted us to be

Starting with the very first Father

And ending right now, right here with you and me


My how slightly the World has changed around us

All beginning in some Foreign dusty land

Even our Religion was not so easily gained

It began with a cross and a gentle soft spoken Man

Even at a time so new before the year counts began

People were persecuted for personal views

And Religious beliefs were at someone's else's command


Wars moved over the populations

Not missing a single time or place

Gouging Mother Earth's beautiful scenery

Forever Spilling blood into her crisp white sands

Forcing even the smallest Child to take a killing stand

For some had taken their freedoms 

And some had stole their Lands


It started before the Bible

In some distant lonely place

Where someone named themselves the King

And these Kings took the Peoples Liberties away

Some are never satisfied with a single thing they  have

So from the very beginning of History 

The Kings took the souls from others

And stole all the people had 


Some things haven't changed much

They are the same around the world

They no longer name themselves the King 

Those who rule this, our only World

They still fight against each other

They still steal the peoples Liberties

Killing innocent Children

Or keeping their rights firmly in clasped hands


When will we learn history repeats itself

These Wars of the chosen few

When will the rape of Mother Earth cease to grow 

Before there is no earth for me and you

When will the killing to get another's gains stop

Can we give the Indians back their Tribal lands

Or the Monks their Buddhist Temples

God knows they never hurt a King

Someone tell the Chinese

They were just a place to nourish our ravished Souls

When will the Laws stop building 

Growing more numerous over this Free Land

For soon we will all have to be Lawyers

And check the Laws before we can even think or start to plan...


Starting this new Millennium

This new time for every man

Lets give this all some serious thought

And change the complexion of these issues at hand

Lets learn to live together

Lets jointly run the World

Lets do something different

Lets not repeat our horrid past

Let us finally make a stand for Peace

And end the Holocaust of people here

Not just in some foreign unknown Land


Lets start spending time with our Children again

Lets again spend Sundays in our homes

Lets stop paying to have someone else be the Parent

Material things are not worth the price we pay each year

Lets stop the killings in the Schools

Let that gentle soft spoken Man back in

And wash away our Children's fears

Lets stop the Wars and pilferage

And bring our future generations Peace

The one true reflection 

Our Fathers had in their dreams

@copywrite by Diana 1999

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