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Hello. I've decided to start a Goran Visnjic fan club. I don't have all the ideas for it yet. Perhaps there will be a newsletter or a chatroom. I don't know. Maybe we'll just have a mailing list. If anyone has any ideas at all, be sure to email me at . This semester I have a lot of work to do with all these independent studies for my classes. I may need some help with a newsletter; so if anyone wants to help out, please mail me.

The Fan List Is Taken Down For A Couple Weeks To Tidy Up. You may Still Submit Entries Though

Become A Club Member!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.

It would be great to have all the members have a e-mail address, but if you don't have one, just type in your current address.


Your name:

Email address:

In what Tv show, movie, etc, did you first notice Goran?:

Do you have any comments about Goran (or anything else in the world) that you would like to make?