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James & Severus
Tons of those! And more to come!

There are so many, we need a whole mansion!


< >No, this is not a sappy love thing - God forbid it isn't. :-) j/k. Don't get ticked at me, please!

< >Anyway, this little editorial is about the "small" - er - thing that happened between James Potter and Serevus Snape. If you have read Sorcerer's Stone thoroughly enough - it was MAJOR, I don't know HOW you could have missed it - you will know what I'm talking about.

< >But if you don't, the deal is, James and Snape hated each other, then James saved Snape's life *somehow* when they were at Hogwarts together.

< >Tut, tut, tut. Let's stop here for a second. I gather, that Snape is an OLDER guy. Older as in just maybe a few years stray of McGonagall who we know is elder - elder meaning middle aged - but seems to me that witches and wizards live longer. ::shrugs:: Maybe I'm wrong, but how COULD an OLDER man and a STUDENT hate each other so much that it would be VERY obvious to everyone and no one would try and sort things out. ::sniffs:: Just seems wrong to me. :-) And I'm probably wrong about that. :-)

< >Anyway - again - I don't even think Harry hates Snape that much. And yes, I know everyone hates Snape - except for maybe Draco and a selected few - but Dumbledore said it in a way that kind of seemed like they were classmates, like he said, like Harry and Draco Malfoy.

< >Okay, back to the real point of this. They hated each other, they loathed each other, etc., we know the story because of Harry and Draco, just we know Harry's not going to end up dead (at least we hope very, very much) and Draco's not going to be a teacher except in maybe being hateful.

< >Again, back to the real point of this. :-) I go off on different subjects, don't I? :-) Anyway, after James saved Snape's life and his own death, Snape could not bear to be in his debt, so he protected Harry all of his first year from Quirrell, though I'd bet if ever asked . . . "NO!!! STOP LYING!!! FIFTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!!!" :-) Just my point of view. And I like Snape; he's not that bad of a guy. See my reasons here.

< >I do have a point, it's just hard getting to it, okay? OKAY??? ::squeaks like Flitwick:: Okay. Ah, well, my point will be showing up sooner or later. Yep. Yes indeedy!!! Someday soon! It's marked on the calendar!!!

< >Well, my whole point is I want a scene. ::gets looks and nods to them:: Yes, a scene. I want a small scene where Harry goes up to Snape and just thanks him for protecting him. I don't really care if Snape sizes up on him and doesn't say anything DIRECTLY to him, but . . . I just want a scene like that. We may see a side of Snape we haven't seen before and that would be good.



