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Serevus Snape Serevus Snape

Serevus Snape. That name in the Harry Potter books describes a hard, cold, mean, malicious wizard that everyone [students] hates, or does it?

I am the kind of person that likes most characters, if they have a strong "body" to them - meaning if they are strong characters - even if they are "evil" or mean or if everyone hates them. Flat out, I like Snape.

What?! you may be asking yourself. Well, my reasons are this:

I think that Snape hides under the black robe he puts up and wraps around him, never letting anyone in, never showing any emotion except anger, frustration, and malice, never letting anyone in, but I think, underneath all that, is a kind, friendly person - why in the world would he even bother staying in James' debt? He could have ignored it - he's just too afraid that if he lets that part out of him, he'll be vulnerable and maybe even he'll feel more lonely than he already is.

Personally, I wish he would just surface from the sheath he puts up in front of him to ward off people at least once and, as I have said before, just talk to Harry about how Harry's father saved his life or, at least, say "Your welcome, Harry," if my dream ever comes true and Harry thanks Snape.

Anyway, more will be coming so, like a short bio, more rambling, etc. . . . :-)
