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Here is some photoes for my basketball game!!

The tournament was held on Oct 28th 2k!

My Teammates!!

From the right, Nobu, Me, William, Kenny, Eric

Me and Nobu

We were too tired to play after the semi-final

Talking about our plans for next game.

Always my best friend, Nobu!

Nobu doesn't agree with the plan (maybe)

Me, William and Kenny on the court

My drive in in the semi-final!!

Nobu's Zoom up

Nobu receiving the champion award

Me receiving the champion award

Kenny receiving the champion award

Eric receiving the champion award

We are the champion!

from the first row: William

second row: Sam, Kevin, Nobu, Me, Kenny, Eric and Henry

Third row: Sunny and Ken

One more!!

Celebrating with our champion awards!!

From the Left: Eric, William, Me, Kenny and Nobu.

Champion Team with Thomas

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