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The Hyperian Hills

Here in the hills of Hyperia, many creatures find their home. With surrounding forests, a nearby river, and only short distance from the great mountains of this country, the Hyperian Hills are the center of many animals' lives. Here are a few of those who reside here, if you want one of your own, touch it if you dare, but watch your touch, these aren't domestic animals!

Sombra is one of the cutest tenants of the land. She is from Dragon's Love. Only found within the shadows of either the forest or the mountains, she was fittingly named for the shadow. Aside from her dark hideout and color, Sombra would appear to be a gentle animal, but as with all animals of the Hills, she is wild and sometimes unpredictable. Behind the playful appearance, there is a pounce waiting to happen. I for one would not want to be the next one she chooses to land upon. Her size works to her advantage as she makes for a small target to any predator, and with great agility she can be everywhere at once when her prey least expects it.


This is Cazas, one of the first three Luna dragons. He is to stand as one of the greatest hunters of the forest. As one to be the predator and not the prey, he has good chance of survival here in the Hills since he has made it to the hatching without one of the creatures detecting the presence of the egg. All brown dragons from Blackwater Forest are great hunters, but it is greatly important that he be the greatest as the survival of his clan depends upon it. Of the three original Luna dragons, he is the highest ranking. The clutch is wild, so it is uncertain to the rangers {the intelligent people who run the joint here in the Hyperian Hills} if they are even related. Please check back later to see Cazas if he should mate. Not too long ago, we noticed Cazas to be guarding an egg. He had taken it from the clutch of some of the other wild Luna dragons - Silver Idmer and Bronze Cajmire - and had become very protective of it. The dragon hatched to a beautiful, green female. She is especially talented in making plants grow, which was discovered soon after her hatching. A very dense coverage of trees has since grown around the area which they inhabit, and several very rare flowers have sprouted inside the wall of trees. Her name is thus Pepita which is derived from the word seed. As previously mentioned, Cazas has been searching for a mate. Dragons are capable of knowing what sort of dragon will hatch from each egg before the occurance. As brown and green dragons are capable of mating, this may explain the over-protectiveness of Cazas.


There is yet another egg here in the Hills that is available to view, and it is yet another brown dragon. This one is to be a mini featherdragon. His name is Joko. He comes from the Valley Sands. Although he is found here in the Hills, I have been told that featherdragons are safe creatures and that once hatched will tend to want to ride on the shoulder of the person who bonded him, which would be me. He is, nonetheless, wild, and once he grows, he will hunt for food and seek shelter just as any other wild creature would. Check back soon to see him in a hatched stage.


Hyperian Web Warps

Guardian Meadows
Cliffs of Solitude
Adopt A Kallanai
