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Armordillo was cold and weary. His animal body wasn't used to the chilled mountain air, but he was on a mission. Urgently, he scurried across a frigid stream, in search for a missing friend. The day before, B'Boom was out checking a sensor array when his signal suddenly disappeared. No Predacon jamming stations were to be known in that area, so his disappearance was something of a mystery. His last known co-ordinates were deep in this mountain range, and Armordillo was getting close.

A shrill scream came from above, as Armordillo crouched under some foliage as quickly as he could. Lazorbeak screamed above and his shadow swept across the forest in the noonday sun. Undetected, Armordillo waited until the coast was clear. "Dumb Pred."

He started on his way again, wondering why Lazorbeak was out there so far from his own base. The mountain range was on the complete opposite side of the Maximal base from the Predacon base. Lazorbeak's appearance was an interesting clue to B'Boom's possible whereabouts. Perhaps a new jamming station was under construction, or worse, the Preds were closing in on the Axalon from the rear and B'Boom was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Armordillo's internal chronometer blipped, telling him he had one hour until Polar Claw took over the search. He looked around again, making sure there was no eyes watching, and started off at an even faster rate. Although his body was heavy, he could endure another hour's searching no problem.

When Armordillo reached B'Boom's last known co-ordinates, he found absolutely nothing. There weren't even tracks around him indicating the baboon or any enemies. Not a single twig was broken, or a single laser burn on any tree. "Hmmm... B'Boom... Where would I go if I were..."

He looked up in the trees, despite the fact that baboons normally weren't arboreal, and gasped. B'Boom's body was tangled and mangled in the tree. "Armordillo maximise!" He climbed the enormous tree as quickly as he could and made it to his friend. It was almost as if B'Boom had been thrown up into the tree rather than he climbed up.

Analysing how to get him down, he went and grabbed some strong vines. Soon, some pulley's were rigged, and Armordillo could slowly lower his friend's body. Polar Claw would be lumbering around the mountainside any moment now, so Armordillo didn't even try to move B'Boom's burly body.

Some rustling in the bushes behind Armordillo relieved him with a sigh. "Polar Claw... Am I glad to see." But it wasn't Polar Claw at all.

"Another Maximal... They'll ruin everything. Insecticon terrorise!" He pulled out his crossbow and aimed directly for Armordillo's head. "You Maximals are all the same. You keep sticking your snouts in other people's business."

"Yeah, and you Preds just don't know how to stay home." Polar Claw was there, just in time, and pounced over Insecticon's body. "You all right, Army?"

"Yeah. B'Boom's in stasis lock though, and needs to get back to base," he said walking over to watch Insecticon squirm.

"What do we do with this bug?" asked Polar Claw.

"He has friends around. Lazorbeak almost found me out earlier," Armordillo said checking the skies once more."

"Let me go you wretched Maximals... You don't know what your getting yourselves into," Insecticon said. Suddenly, a light started flashing on his shoulder.

"What does that mean, Pred?" Armordillo asked, suspiciously.

"Your worst nightmare walks again... Maximal." Both Armordillo and Polar Claw knew what he was talking about and simply stared into their opponent's beady green optic sensors. "This flashing light means he's coming to exterminate you, like he did B'Boom."

Armordillo looked over at his comrade. Tripredacus was a combination of three Predacons in one, and almost destroyed the Axalon months ago. The only thing that stopped him was Magnaboss, the Maximals own version of a combining super robot. Tripredacus was temporarily out of service, since Packrat stole his combination micro-processor, keeping his three components apart forever. Or so it seemed.

"He will be here any moment, so I suggest you run if you value your sparks," Insecticon said.

"You could be bluffing, but I'd rather not take that chance," Polar Claw said. He then grabbed Insecticon's crossbow and threw it towards Armordillo. "Get out of here, you stupid bug." Insecticon converted into beast mode and scurried under the foliage.

"Let's get out of here," Armordillo suggested.

"Polar Claw Maximise." He nodded and pulled B'Boom's limp body over his shoulder. He turned around and fired his homing bat. "Fly little buddy. He'll be able to tell us how far Tripredacus is."

"Armordillo to base, we're in trouble..." They headed out towards the Axalon as quickly as they could.

Megatron watched the process from afar. High atop a large hill, he watched his minions build his new base. The clear-cutting was working well, and although the wood was nothing compared to titanium alloy, it would do.

"Excellent... Yes." The Maximals didn't suspect a thing. They were too busy worrying about getting home, or saving life-forms or finding new ways to be heroic.

Waspinator flew up to his master. "Mmmmm... Tripredacus go look around."

"What do you mean you babbling idiot?"

"He say he detected more Maximals. Chase after them."

"Blast that Tripredacus! He thinks he can obey my orders. We can't let the Maximals discover our little secret, can we?"

"Want Waspinator go after dumb giant-bot?"

"Yes, and take someone with you," Megatron ordered. Waspinator saluted and flew back towards the construction site. "If that giant menace ruins my plan to destroy the Maximals once and for all, I'll crush his every component one by one."

"Did you hear that?" Polar Claw said. They were moving rather slowly, because of B'Boom's weight. There was a thumping noise coming from behind them. "I hope Airazor and Bonecrusher get here soon."

"We can't run from that ogre forever," Armordillo said out of breath. His large shell had it's advantages in the battle field, but it was rather heavy.

Before long, the two of them realised that there was no sense running anymore. Polar Claw's homing bat was relaying data back to the bear, telling them they only had a few minutes. It was inevitable that the huge Tripredacus find them. Fear and adrenaline rushed through their bodies when the enormous body crashed through the trees. Polar Claw pulled out his missile launcher, and Armordillo charged his laser riffle. B'Boom was still motionless.

"Ha! Puny Maximals. I will toss you into the forest like I did your friend."

"Not until you get through me." Bonecrusher came stampeding through the woods and quickly converted into robot mode. "Take this, you metallic piece of filth." Bonecrusher's hidden missile launcher spewed forth a powerful punch to one of Tripredacus's legs.

"Airazor, Maximise!" High above, Airazor converted and started firing her photon cannon at Tripredacus's chest. "Run you two... We'll catch up as soon as we get rid of this oaf."

"Your weapons are useless, Maximals. Now, feel my wrath," Tripredacus yelled. He loaded a hyper-missile into his launcher and aimed for Bonecrusher. The Maximal converted back into a Bison and dodged the tremendous blast which rocked the earth.

Armordillo started firing his laser riffle despite Airazor's orders. "You two are going to need all of the help you can get if you're ever going to get rid of this oaf." The laser shots seemed to bounce off Tripredacus like rocks. The giant fired his magnificent cannon again and Polar Claw was almost destroyed. He fell to the ground hard on his back, and Tripredacus prepared for another shot.

"No you don't," screamed Airazor as she dove and tore at Tripredacus's arm. The evil robot winced in pain and swiped at Airazor with his other arm. There was a cry of help as she was struck and thrown far into the forest. Polar Claw desperately crawled for safety as Bonecrusher fired another missile. Tripredacus was finally showing signs of damage, but Airazor was now out of the picture.

"You Maximals... You don't know how powerful I am at all." The beast loaded two hyper missile's into his cannon and prepared to fire. This time at the wide open and still unconscious B'Boom. "Say goodbye to your beloved monkey." Armordillo quickly converted into beast mode, ran out in front of his ally's body and turned his back towards Tripredacus. This was going to hurt a lot. With searing pain, the two missiles simultaneously struck Armordillo. His back plating was strong enough to protect him and B'Boom, but the pain was intense. The two were thrown a hundred feet from the blast, and Tripredacus growled in surprise. Armordillo found himself next to an unconscious Airazor.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound was heard from over one of the hills. It was Waspinator and Terrorsaur. "Maximals, retreat!" Polar Claw roared as he and Bonecrusher came and helped Armordillo up. Tripredacus was more than they could handle, and Waspinator and Terrorsaur always proved to be a menace. "I know where there is a cave. We can hide in there for now.

Tripredacus wasn't giving up though. He lumbered through the trees, which snapped like twigs, to try and reach them. Bonecrusher grabbed Airazor, and Polar Claw took B'Boom. Armordillo covered the two with laser fire, until they reached the cave.

"You can't hide in there forever!" Tripredacus screamed. "Or maybe you can..." He loaded another missile and fired directly above the cave. As the boulders tumbled down, Armordillo realised they could very well be trapped in there forever.

"What is that dolt doing?" Terrorsaur screamed.

"Hmmm. Waspinator say Tripredacus trap Maximals in cave. Tripredacus smarter than he looks."

"Yes, but there may be more Maximals around, to tell their friends about our secret. Terrorsaur terrorise!" The two Predacons landed next to the giant Tripredacus. He was fixing his damaged arm.

"What do you two imbeciles want? Let me guess. More orders from Megatron."

Terrorsaur cleared his throat and looked up at the giant. The sun was blocked by his enormous body. "Megatron says that you've risked a lot by engaging these Maximals. There may be others, and who knows what will happen if Optimus Primal gets word of our new fortress."

"Optimus Primal is a fool and a coward," Tripredacus said.

"Waspinator think giant-bot is nothing but big talk." Tripredacus grabbed the wasp and squeezed him in his hands.

"Don't push you luck, Waspinator. I could destroy any one of the Maximals, and they know it. I could even destroy Megatron if I willed to." He let go of Waspinator and he tumbled to the ground.

"Um... There seems to be nothing left to do here, sir," Terrorsaur said cowardly. "Why don't we return to the construction site." Tripredacus grumbled in disgust, but turned and started heading back. Terrorsaur and Waspinator reluctantly followed.

The dripping of water was one of the only sounds to be heard in the cave. Armordillo moaned out of pain. His outer shell was badly damaged and leaking energy.

"Polar Claw to Axalon." There was no answer.

Armordillo doubted that any signal would get through the cave walls. They would have to find some way out. He quickly lit a makeshift torch with his laser riffle.

"Much better. Thanks buddy," Polar Claw said. "How's the back?"

"Pretty bad. I'll do fine though."

"Good," Bonecrusher said. "This cave seems to lead somewhere. We'd best follow it and see if there is a way out of this place."

Slowly, Airazor started to move. "Mmmmm... What happened?" she groaned.

"We're stuck in a cave. Tripredacus pretty much sealed us in, but at least we're not dead," Armordillo explained.

"Yet," Polar Claw said. "Unless we find a way out of here, at least one of us will be." They all looked over at B'Boom. "His energy is depleting quickly."

"Well, let's get moving then," Armordillo said slowly converting into robot mode.

The cave stretched on for quite a ways, and seemed very confusing to them all. Every now and then, Polar Claw would try and communicate with the base. But each time he tried, it was no us. Armordillo was getting more and more tired as the cave stretched on. He hoped the Axalon would send a search party eventually.

After about an hour of walking around inside the cave, they came upon a large room. A room with gadgetry and machinery. A place they could rest, so long as it's keeper didn't find them.

"So, he can follow orders..." Megatron mumbled as he saw Tripredacus, Waspinator and Terrorsaur slowly come around the hillside. The construction of the new base was almost complete, and Megatron was preparing for the attack. Soon enough, the Maximals would find a legion of Predacons right on their back doorstep.

"I wonder what that big lug's been up to..." Blackarachnia exclaimed joining Megatron. "No doubt crushing Maximals."

"Yes..." Megatron frowned and only hoped that Tripredacus hadn't foiled the entire plan. "Ah, Tripredacus. How goes the hunt for Maximals?"

"Well, Megatron." Suddenly Megatron slammed his tail weapon over the beast's head. "You imbecile!" Tripredacus simply grumbled. "I told you not to interfere with my plans. You crossed the line once already when you hunted down B'Boom yesterday. You have crossed the line again by running after more prey. Don't ever cross the line again, or none of your components will live to see another day." Tripredacus merely nodded and refrained from lashing out. He knew he could possibly overthrow Megatron's rule, but he had many loyal followers. "Now, tell me they did not make it back to their precious base."

"They have not. I chased the cowards into a nearby cave. They are without a doubt unable to communicate with anyone outside the cave."

"Excellent. On the other hand, I thank you Tripredacus, for reducing those bludgeoning idiot's numbers before our greatest hour! Now..."

"Um, pardon me, but where is this cave you chased them into?" Blackarachnia asked.

Tripredacus grumbled at the wimpy female but answered nonetheless. "Three kilometres south by Southwest, widow. Is it of any importance?"

Blackarachnia chuckled. "None whatsoever."

"Now, about the energy supply Insecticon..." Megatron began. Blackarachnia smiled and slowly inched her way into the forest.

"Beast mode!" she whispered and started heading south.

"Where am I?" B'Boom asked slowly waking up. Luckily Tarantulas was kind enough to have equipped this cave with a CR. chamber.

"We almost lost you there, my friend," Armordillo explained. Polar Claw told B'Boom the whole story while Armordillo loaded himself into the CR. chamber. His back stung as he was slowly recharged. After everyone had a turn and felt revived, Armordillo started fumbling with a large piece of machinery.

"What are you doing?" Bonecrusher asked.

"You'll see," was all Armordillo replied.

"No wonder Tarantulas is never around," Airazor said. "If all of his tunnels are interconnected, he could be anywhere."

"That also means there has to be a way out of here," Polar Claw said.

"Armordillo to Axalon..." A smile came over everyone's faces as they realised the large machinery was a transmitter.

"Optimus here. Where have you been?"

"Tripredacus has sealed us into a cave and we stumbled upon some of Tarantulas's equipment," Armordillo explained. "I recommend you guys spruce up your defences and watch your back. Something big is happening here in the forest."

"Right. I'll send Magnaboss out to help you guys. Don't worry about the Axalon. Thanks for the warning. Optimus out."

"Good job Armordillo," Airazor said patting him on the back.

"Looks like we might be okay after all..." B'Boom said. He clicked a few buttons and a map showed up on a video screen. "If we follow this tunnel, we should come out a kilometre north from where we started."

"Let's go then!" Polar Claw exclaimed and led the way.

From behind one of the machines can the quiver of a leg. Tarantulas hid from view and hoped the Maximals wouldn't find him. There was no sense in him even trying to take them all on. He just wanted them out of his cave, and fast. He followed them quietly from a distance.

"Where the slag is that entrance?" Blackarachnia said to herself. She was looking for a way into Tarantulas's caves to warn him of his intruders, or to help him get rid of them. Finally, a pile of rocks crumbled inward and the cave was revealed. "Blackarachnia, terrorise!" She crept her way through the entrance and hoped the Maximals weren't one step around the corner. Soon enough, she found her ally, and they were hot on the Maximal's trail.

After another hour of walking, the Maximals were lost once again. The map B'Boom had found earlier, had been long forgotten and confusing once again set in.

"Blast that spider!" Bonecrusher yelled. "Why doesn't he show himself so we can figure out where to go?"

"If you do find him, I'm not going to be the one to pleasantly ask him, 'Pardon me, sir, but would you happen to know the way out of this cave,'" Armordillo said.

Suddenly, a tornado of bullets came shooting past the Maximals. It was Blackarachnia and Tarantulas, right on their tails. "No thanks to my widow, I've been following you all along," Tarantulas yelled. "I would have laughed if you ran into our knew camp. You would have been destroyed instantly. But this seems the opportune time to do away with you unwanted pests. "

"Why's that, wretch?" Airazor asked.

"Look behind you," Blackarachnia said. The Maximals turned and found that they had been pushed into and open cavern, with a bottomless chasm directly behind them. Across the way, they could faintly see the exit. The five of them dodged bullets and missiles as they tried to figure out a way to get across. Airazor was the only one who could help them.

"Airazor, beast mode!" she said. "Who's first?"

"I'll cover you guys," Armordillo said. He then turned his huge shell around and the bullets bounced in every direction. Airazor then grabbed Polar Claw and flew him to safety. Next was B'Boom, followed by Bonecrusher.

"Get that Maximal, widow," Tarantulas commanded. Blackarachnia rushed up to Armordillo and pushed him to the edge of the pit. She grabbed his laser riffle and tossed it aside. Armordillo wasn't completely defenceless. He pulled out his mace and clubbed the widow over the head. She fell screaming down the pit, as Armordillo snatched his laser riffle. Airazor soon came back and snatched Armordillo. She carried him to safety just as Tarantulas reached the edge, peering down towards his comrade. She still hadn't hit bottom.

"Beast Mode!" Tarantulas said. He crawled up and onto the ceiling.

"I'll take care of this," B'Boom said. He pulled out his rocket launcher, and just as Tarantulas was over the chasm, fired. The spider fell screaming all the way out of earshot.

"I have a feeling he and Blackarachnia are going to get to know each other real well before they ever get out of this one," Polar Claw said.

"Thank you Airazor," B'Boom said.

"No problem, guys. But try and lose a little weight before I have to save you hides again."

"Quick! Let's get out of this maze," Armordillo said rushing towards the exit. Just as they came to the exit of the cave, they were greeted by a wonderful sight. Optimus and Magnaboss were just coming around the hillside.

The two powerful Maximals came and stood next to their allies. "Good to see you all alive," Optimus said. "Now what do you suppose the Preds are up to?"

"We just ran into Tarantulas and Blackarachnia and they said something about a new base or fortress," B'Boom said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were just about to launch a major battle from around here," Armordillo added.

"And if it wasn't for you guys, we'd never had known about it. Thanks," Optimus said smiling. "Now, Magnaboss, are you picking up any enemy movement?"

"Yes. Two kilometres north of here, I am picking up numerous Predacons."

"Well, then. Let's go stop them from getting any closer to our back door," Optimus said rocketing forward. The others followed on foot.

Manterror was on lookout duty, high above the new fortress when he saw two small specks coming closer from the south. "What the..." was all he could say as Optimus Primal fired a missile directly into his wings. Airazor finished him off by tearing at his body with her talons.

Waspinator was peacefully stroking his dart gun below. It was a fine day. The sun was shining, the bird chirping, the leaves rustling, the sound of screaming coming from above... "Huh?" he exclaimed. The moment he looked up, tons of falling mantis landed on his body.

"Great!" Optimus exclaimed. " Let's hit 'em hard!"

Armordillo, Bonecrusher, B'Boom, Polar Claw and most of all, Magnaboss came storming through the forest. The large wooden structure was no match for all of them, but then Tripredacus showed up.

Insecticon and Lazorbeak were the first to come running out of the base in front of Tripredacus. They were followed by Megatron and Terrorsaur. Laser fire covered the air, but the Maximals came through. Bonecrusher launched missiles at Insecticon, and soon the bug was running for cover. Lazorbeak and Airazor took the battle to the sky. Polar Claw and B'Boom took their time trashing the new base. Optimus and Megatron continued their eternal struggle. Armordillo blasted Terrorsaur in the gut a few times and looked up. Tripredacus and Magnaboss simply stood there staring at each other.

"We meet again, villain," Magnaboss said.

"This time, I will be victorious," Tripredacus answered. He loaded his missile launcher, and before Magnaboss could even blink, the giant had damaged his legs. The enormous maximal unsheathed his sword and took a great swipe at Tripredacus, but it was no use. The evil giant dodged the attack and pummelled Magnaboss with another couple of hyper- missiles. "You see, Maximal? You can never truly defeat me. Although your friend stole my combination processor, Megatron rebuilt one for me."

Armordillo finished his fight with Terrorsaur and looked up at what was happening. Everyone else was still scrapping. With an enormous crash, Magnaboss fell to his knees. Armordillo had to do something. Magnaboss had saved all of their lives once before long ago. It was time to return the favour.

"Stop!" Armordillo yelled, as Tripredacus was just about to reload his cannon.

"What? You measly, Armordillo. Your shell may be strong, but you're still a Maximal. Weak and ultimately destructible." The giant lumbered over and grabbed Armordillo with his right hand. "Now I will crush you like the wimp you are." Tripredacus began to laugh with pleasure. Armordillo pulled out his laser riffle and aimed for the monster's gaping mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." said Tripredacus. Armordillo could feel the beast's fingers close in around his outer shell, and then he fired. The laser shot went directly into Tripredacus's mouth, and astonishing power, his body began to overload. Armordillo fell to the ground and Magnaboss quickly drew his sword. With a final lunge into the beast's chest, Tripredacus fell.

Seeing this, Megatron let one more blast out at Optimus and growled in anger. "Retreat! We must retreat!" he yelled. Insecticon, Lazorbeak, Terrorsaur, Manterror and Waspinator slowly rose and ran in the opposite directions.

"Never!" Tripredacus yelled. He tapped a small button on his shoulder, which started a countdown.

"He going to self-destruct!" Polar Claw exclaimed. The Maximals quickly started running south, towards the base. In ten seconds, there would be an explosion big enough to demolish the entire fortress the Predacons had worked so hard to build.

With a flash and a roar, the world behind the Maximals went up in flames. They looked back and only hoped that was the true end of Tripredacus.

The next day, Megatron and his minions salvaged whatever they could of the terrible beast, Tripredacus. Megatron was still boiling with fury at what had happened. He was angry at Tripredacus for ultimately ruining all of his plans, but he somehow wished he were still functioning. After all, Tripredacus was a good fighter.

"No matter how long it takes, I want him rebuilt," Megatron commanded. His minions groaned as they picked up little bits of the three components.

"You know, Army, you did pretty good out there," Polar Claw said, back at the Axalon.

"Yeah? I was merely doing my duty, you know," Armordillo replied.

"I wish I had a back as strong as yours. I definitely wouldn't have survived the grip Tripredacus had on you," said Bonecrusher. For the first time in a while, Armordillo realised that he had something the others hadn't. He doubted, though that would be the last time his shell would save him.

"As long as Preds walk this planet, I'm sure it'll come in handy."

"I just wonder what Tarantulas and Blackarachnia are up to right now," Airazor said. "I don't want to know. I just don't want to know," Armordillo said.

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