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Positive Quotes & Story # 4

By Joe Fermano


How many times have you heard this: “Life is a numbers game;…the more times you try something the better the odds of achieving it.” It’s no different with self-confidence. The more self - confidence you have the more times you’ll try to do something. The law of averages tells us you must achieve more, if you’re trying more. More, more and more,…the more self-confidence you have the less you’ll be affected by temporary setbacks(never final ,always temporary) and short-term disappointments. The more self-confidence you have the likely it is that you’ll live a life full of achievement, riches, satisfaction and pure bliss.

So, how do you get started on your self-confidence journey? Well, one of the basic fundamental things you must understand is your uniqueness! Quite simply….., you are EXTRAORDINARY!! The odds are greater than 50 billion to 1 against their ever being anyone with the unique combination of talents, skills, and abilities that you possess. The unbelievable achievements that you’re capable of,…. no one knows, not even yourself. What we do know is that your greatest areas of achievement come from your areas of strength, that once identified and capitalized upon will bring you infinite success. The men and women who achieve the most are invariably those who have taken the time to identify their strong points and continually refine them.

KEY POINT: For many years I’ve been fortunate to experience and work with people who’ve learned the SECRET!….Exploit your strengths and starve your weaknesses. Yes, of course there is more to it than this but not much more. “WE ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT!” That which you focus on,….your heart will follow. The things you are interested in are indicative of who you are. So, the things(KEY POINT) you are interested in are the things you should be doing more of. A most enlightening study was conducted several years ago. This study involved 1500 men and women who started out very ambitious and motivated in their careers. They found that only 83 of them became millionaires. When they went back and studied the attitudes and decisions of these people, a common denominator was evident amongst all 83 millionaires. KEY POINT: They found that every single millionaire chose a field (career) they enjoyed!! In essence they lived their bliss! They worked in a field that always interested them and constantly held their attention. The conclusion of the study showed that wealth, success and happiness seemed to occur when a person was pre-occupied doing something else. The 83 millionaires never set out to make lots of money. Instead they chose fields that they were completely passionate about. The MONEY came after they devoted themselves to their chosen endeavor wholeheartedly and truthfully.

REMEMBER THIS!!!!! You’ll never really be happy or satisfied until you can apply your unique God given talents toward the thing you LOVE to do. When you're not where you want to be, you’ll know it. You feel discontentment, uneasiness and unhappy. To enjoy high levels of self-confidence you must be living your life in a way that challenges you, stretches you and makes you grow. The only successful way to achieve this is to do what you are naturally comfortable with.

GOOD NEWS! The good news is your discontentment and unhappiness are blatant signs for you to step forward and live a life of being you(pure bliss)! The important thing to recognize is how unsatisfied and unhappy you really are. Once you step out of your dull “go thru the motions life” …and into the life that’s YOU,…you’ve begun to live the first day of your “exciting” life. Once you are true to yourself and follow your HEART you will find integrity. When you understand integrity and how it relates to you the real you has arrived!

YOU MUST! You must make up your mind to look at you honestly and make future decisions based on your uniqueness. NOW! TODAY! THIS VERY MOMENT is time to realize how extraordinary you are. The feelings you have along with your behavior is the most accurate guide you’ll ever need to make the right choices. As you follow your heart to where it leads you,…courage, integrity and finally SELF-CONFIDENCE will automatically become apart of your every action and thought. HEY!!!!! Believe me I know that its scary to follow your heart. Most of us are extremely fearful to follow our true feelings. Its not that we don’t know what to do,..its that we’re afraid to do what our hearts tell us to do. But when you take it step by step gradually building yourself up (like a muscle) you’ll step farther away from your fears,…and then SELF-CONFIDENCE settles in!

GOOD STUFF!!!!………Realize your gift, act upon it and your self-confidence WILL rise so high that there are virtually no limitations to what you won't try. As we discussed earlier, the MORE you try the MORE you achieve,…the MORE you achieve the MORE SELF-CONFIDENCE you will possess!!!


QUOTE: “ I’d rather live a day in the life of a lion, than a lifetime as a lamb!”