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Yeah I know, corny title,.. but its true. Think about it for just 10 seconds and you will agree. We spend more time (at the garage) balancing our tires than our lives. Have you ever driven a car or been in a car with unbalanced tires? The car wobbles, shakes, vibrates, and is very difficult to keep straight. So how can we manage to align our lives for optimum performance and enjoyment without balance? We can't!

All studies show that the people who enjoy long-term success in all areas of their life have a balanced program for life. Having a balance between spiritual, family, work, leisure, community and whatever else is important to you is the ONLY way you can achieve your goals in each area while enjoying the journey. I recently read an article where Zig Ziglar, the great motivational speaker, had been discussing the findings regarding balance. According to Zig, UCLA did a study of a group of people from a cross-section of occupations;psychiatrists, truck drivers, entrepeneurs, ceo's , household executives, military, all types of people. Within each category those people who had created a balanced goal program earned twice as much money as those who don't. They also are (KEY POINT)..happier, healthier, and get along better with their families. WOW!!! Isn't that what we all really, really, really want. I know I do!

Everybody I’ve come in touch with and have coached wants the same thing. Everybody wants to be happy, healthy, and at least reasonably prosperous. Everybody wants to be secure,to have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships, and the hope that the future will be even better. To do that your GOALS need to embrace the physical, the mental, and the spiritual realms. When coaching my clients I emphasize the need to strive for balance in our lives. For example, physical balance …which has three basic components to it:

1. Sleep

2. Diet

3. Exercise

1) You must get a reasonable amount of sleep without it you cannot achieve the laser – type focus needed to concentrate on your goals. Many of our great thinkers and leaders often napped for 20 or 30 minutes each day,..Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinci were all nappers.
2) Diet, your diet must be reasonable and sensible, its quite simple, fruits, vegetables, fish, grains, light carbohydrates, and water should be eaten each day before anything else is. I once heard Zig Ziglar say, “ If you had a million-dollar race horse, would you let it stay up all night drinking coffee? Why would you give your BILLION dollar body such abuse?” Think about that!!
3) Exercise, walking is one of the best if not the best form of exercise most of us can do. Light weightlifting for muscle tone along with other cardiovascular activities like biking, hiking, jogging, and tennis make a great combination for a fit and healthy life. Its very difficult to find someone in a bad mood or lacking energy after a good work-out. At a minimum make the commitment to walk 3-5 days each week for 30-60 minutes. You’ll be amazed how order, balance, and motivation will radiate into your life.

The spiritual component is just as powerful. Studies show that people who regularly attend worship of some kind,…whether church, synagogue, temple, or mosque, earn more money, have fewer drug problems, a lower rate of divorce, better intimate relationships, fewer nervous breakdowns and lower suicide rates. Wow! That covers a lot of stuff don’t you agree? Its kind of what my parents believed, “if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.” The family component is as important as the other two. The better relationship we can have with our families the better our lives will be in all areas. I’ve found from personal experience that the better my communication and love is with my family(& friends) the better all other components of my life is. When we focus on enjoying all that is here for us to appreciate and treasure, each moment that we’re alive, our life comes together successfully. When you LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE love, peace and fulfillment will fill your heart! I remember what Zig Ziglar says, don’t try to be the richest man in the graveyard. Spend time with your family. Kids need presence not presents!

Till next time,live your life with balance and your life will align itself toward your dreams!