I will live each day with courage and a belief in myself and others. I will live by the values of integrity, freedom of choice, and a love of all God’s people. I will strive to keep commitments not only to others but to myself as well. I will remember that to truly live, I must climb the mountain today, for tomorrow may be too late. I know that my mountain may seem no more than a hill to others and I will accept that. I will be renewed by my own personal victories and triumphs no matter how small. I will continue to make my own choices and to live with them as I have always done. I will not make excuses or blame others. I will, for as long as possible, keep my mind and body healthy and strong so that I am able to make the choice to climb the mountain. I will help others as best I can and I will thank those who help me along the way. Finally, I will frequently remind myself that, without risk, there is neither success nor failure. As Thomas Aquinas observed: If the primary mission of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would never leave port! Remember: "If you want your place in the sun,…you gotta expect some blisters!” Make your day great!! Joe Fermano