Robert Half is an employment guru.

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It is your choices that make you uniquely you... Walter Anderson

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Quote: Ability is useless unless it's used.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: ability skill talent effort work laziness achievement success

Quote: Why is it that the more mistakes people make, the more paranoid they become about other people's mistakes?
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: mistakes blame excuses

Quote: The search for someone to blame is always successful.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: blame mistakes excuses

Quote: The secret of what life's all about
Was answered by the sages:
Life's about one day at a time
No matter what your age is.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: life age aging time present balance

Quote: Laziness is a secret ingredient that goes into failure. But it's only kept a secret from the person who fails.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Book of Positive Quotations
Keywords: lazy laziness success failure work effort

Quote: How you react when the joke's on you can reveal your character.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Book of Positive Quotations
Keywords: joke humor character flexibility reaction prank

Quote: The longer the excuse, the less likely it's the truth.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: excuse responsibility truth integrity honesty lie

Quote: When you arrive at your future, will you blame your past?
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: future past present responsibility blame excuses failure

Quote: Giving people a little more than they expect is a good way to get back more than you'd expect.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: generosity generous giving sharing business expectations success

Quote: Planning for happiness is rarely successful. Happiness just happens.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: happy happiness joy gladness balance planning

Quote: Persistance is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: persistance persevere persever impossible impossibility work effort success

Quote: No one is more definite about the solution than the one who doesn't understand the problem.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: problem understanding solution answer vision

Quote: It's easier to remember when you are right than when the other person was right.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: forgiveness memory argue dispute right wrong

Quote: None are homely who smile.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: appearance joy happy happiness face smiles smiling

Quote: He who speaks the loudest is the least heard.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: speech talk brag boast loud

Quote: People who look down on other people don't end up being looked up to.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: attitude ego condescension conceit vanity pride respect humility humble

Quote: Talent does you no good unless it's recognized by someone else.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: talent skill ability recognition leadership mentorship

Quote: There's no such thing as not enough time if you're doing what you want to do.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: time priorities meaning joy

Quote: Immaturity can last a lifetime.
Author: Robert Half
Source: The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
Keywords: character mature immaturity maturity responsibility blame

Quote: Acting on a good idea is better than just having a good idea.
Author: Robert Half
Source: Words for All Occasions by Glenn van Ekeren
Keywords: action thought work effort success creativity imagination

Quote: There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.
Author: Robert Half
Source: Webster's New World Dictionary of Quotations
Keywords: leadership mentorship mentoring talent skill developing coaching leading teaching teacher ability potential development