How to Improve Your Self-Confidence

Imagine feeling totally self-confident, feeling able to get a positive result in every area of business and life. How much more successful would you be? How would you feel going into client or prospect situations just knowing you would get the outcome you were looking for? Self-confidence allows you to take action and get results. On the other hand, if you don't feel confident, no matter what the activity or task, there is a strong possibility you will procrastinate and not get the results you seek. I have listed some strategies to increase your self-confidence below.

What is self-confidence?

Not questioning yourself. Believing you can accomplish what you set out to do. Being certain that what you do—and who you are—is appropriate and right.

Three ways to get more self-confidence

1. Use your body

Take control of your body when you have a difficult or challenging task. Use it to your advantage. Try standing up instead of sitting down when you make a marketing or client phone call. Just before meeting a client or prospect, quickly check your body language. Stand up straight with your head up. Also, take the time to visualize the best-case scenario and keep it firmly in mind. Once the meeting begins, make good eye contact. Speak clearly and without hesitating. The important thing is to take good care of yourself at all times. Make your health a top priority. If you are not feeling well—if you don't have an abundance of energy or enough stamina—you are making it even more difficult to meet your goals and your physique will not be as effective a confidence-boosting tool.

2. Control your mental focus

Take command of the questions you ask yourself. Direct your internal dialogue. For example, what questions do you ask yourself before calling a high net worth individual or couple? Are they already working with somebody? What could I possibly do to help their situation? Why would they want to work with me? Am I experienced enough? These are all examples of negative self-talk. Negative questions like these "paint" worst-case scenarios. If you think negatively, you will come up with plenty of reasons not to act.

Instead, try asking yourself positive questions: What am I going to like best about this person? How can I help them? What am I going to like best about calling them? In what way am I going to connect with them? And my personal favorite: What's the worst that can happen? Remember, a single phone call is unlikely to make or break your career. Look at the real consequences and change your mental focus.

3. Change your limiting beliefs

If necessary, change your beliefs about yourself. What is keeping you from taking your career to the next level? Maybe you don't believe you deserve to be successful. What flashes through your mind when you think about following-up with prospects? How many times will you take a "no" before you get a "yes"? How do you feel about asking for and receiving referrals? Do you believe you deserve to get them? Create a list of your current beliefs about the elements of success, and ask yourself if your ideas are helping or holding you back. When you unearth a current limiting belief, write down its opposite. For example, change

Finally, the only way to become proficient at anything is to perform that task repeatedly until you are comfortable. Remember when you were not 100% confident in your ability to accomplish things you take for granted now. Reading, writing, driving, getting your securities or insurance license are all skills you were not born with. You had to learn and practice. You can build self-confidence the same way. Nothing succeeds like success.