Your search returned 9 matches.

Quote: Knowledge is the food of the soul.
Author: Plato
Source: Alexandra Stoddard's Book of Days by Alexandra Stoddard
Keywords: knowledge learning education wisdom soul self-improvement self-nurture growth spirituality growth change

Quote: For neither birth, nor wealth, nor honours, can awaken in the minds of men the principles which should guide those who from their youth aspire to an honourable and excellent life, as Love awakens them.
Author: Plato
Source: The Spirit of Loving by Emily Hilburn Sell
Keywords: love character integrity principles values life guidance

Quote: "But can you persuade us, if we refuse to listen to you?" he said.
"Certainly not," replied Glaucon.
"Then we are not going to listen; of that you can be assured."
Author: Plato
Source: The Republic by Plato
Keywords: stubbornness stubborness listen listening change speech words communication understanding wisdom relationship parenting

Quote: For let me tell you, that the more the pleasures of the body fade away, the greater to me is the pleasure and charm of conversation.
Author: Plato
Source: The Republic by Plato
Keywords: sensuality conversation thought wisdom aging body age friendship debate talk

Quote: The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depend upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily.
Author: Plato
Source: The Book of Positive Quotations
Keywords: happiness relationships friendship attitude responsibility choice depression sadness unhappiness

Quote: ...grant that I may become beautiful in my soul within, and that all my external possessions may be in harmony with my inner self. May I consider the wise to be rich, and may I have such riches as only a person of self-restraint can bear or endure.
Author: Plato
Source: A Grateful Heart edited by M.J. Ryan
Keywords: soul spirituality inner beauty possessions materialism wealth wisdom

Quote: ...a friend ought always to do good to a friend and never evil.
Author: Plato
Source: The Republic by Plato
Keywords: friendships relationships

Quote: ...Love is that divinity who creates peace among men, repose and sleep in sadness. Love divests us of all alienation from each other, and fills our vacant hearts with overflowing sympathy...
Author: Plato
Source: The Spirit of Loving compiled by Emily Hilburn Sell
Keywords: love peace relationships compassion

Quote: Excellent things are rare.
Author: Plato
Source: Alexandra Stoddard's Book of Days by Alexandra Stoddard
Keywords: excellence