You may not know it but you need a success ritual. What is a success ritual? A set of activities that allow you to obtain positive results daily. It can also be seen as a sequence of habits that put you in a positive, motivated mental state. Top athletes have success rituals. You can see their preparation and concentration when batting, putting, or waiting for an oncoming serve. Positive thinking and focus help athletes perform at a high level. You may not be a professional athlete, but if you want to be a successful financial adviser, you must create a daily success ritual too, one that permits you to perform well every day.
Here are some strategies my clients use to create and maintain success rituals.
1. Ask yourself when you have been at your best in the past. Determine if you already have some helpful rituals that you are unaware of. You may find that arriving at your office by a certain time helps you be more productive or you may notice that when you list your daily task the night before, you seem to get more done. Stop and analyze the behaviors that have worked for you before, recognize their value, and implement them more consistently.
2. A complementary task is identifying activities or rituals that have not supported your goals. They are obstacles that are detrimental to your success. If, for example, you stay out late during the week and get up late the following day, you may not be at your best when you need to be. If you want to be regularly and reliably successful, you must eliminate each and every activity and habit that stands in your way!
3. To better understand and benefit from your success rituals, break them down into specific segments. I have outlined some examples my clients use in their daily success rituals:
- Health - Go to the gym in the morning, run, eat healthy foods, take supplements. Some exercise at midday to help them finish the day strong.
- Motivation - Read over goals, business plan, and mission statement. Spend 15 minutes in the morning with a personal development book or listen to a tape on your way into the office.
- Day-Planning - Create and review your daily must-do, must-call, and project list. This will help you get focused on what you need to accomplish that day.
- Technical or Professional - Read a trade or professional journals, do research for yourself or for clients, read the Wall Street Journal, listen to an analyst call, check the markets overseas.
4. Keep a log and evaluate yourself daily. Use a checklist of the elements you deem necessary for your success. Check off each as you complete it. Rate your day (from one to five). If you did not keep to your ritual and had less than stellar results, give yourself a one. If you followed your success ritual and had a productive day, give yourself a five. Keep this data and watch for trends. Which is your worst day, Monday or Friday?
If you consistently score a four or five, congratulations! You have developed a sound success ritual, and you are probably noticing a marked improvement in your performance. If you rate a three or below, experiment. Try adding or deleting items until you come up with the right mix for you. Whatever you do, don't give up!