P.A.I. | Positive Attitude Institute The Internet's best source for motivation and inspiration. |
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FINALLY!!! IT’S HERE!…. “JUST QUOTE’S” An audiotape of positive quote’s Have you ever heard or read a positive or inspiring quote that you wish you had written down? That great quote you could share with a friend or co-worker or even a family member. Especially those quote’s that really make you stopand think or you want to use to simply cheer someone up! The “Just Quote’s” tape is a very simple and direct audiotape! It’s nothing but 100% positive quote’s by Joe Fermano and others he’s collected over the years. This is the most efficient way to listen to a quote that may have a long-lasting meaning to you, a family member, a friend or co-worker. Joe compiles some of his most favorite quote’s on this 20 minute tape surrounded by beautiful and energizing music. Listen to “Just Quote’s” in your car, home, office or use it at your next sales meeting. More importantly, listen in the comfort of your home and let the rest of your family become inspired by its positive and beautiful message. Finally, you have a wonderful way to hold onto those quote’s that you’d love to hear over and over again. It’s here!!!! Order your tape now and begin your positive journey ! Send $14.95 to: P.O. Box 102 Haddonfield NJ 08033 or