P.A.I. Success Ideas and Quotes Positive Stories and Motivation Stories
P.A.I. Positive Attitude Institute
The Internet's best source for motivation and inspiration.

Control your future, set goals, realize your dreams!        ;                                               

    Build Your Mind
    Self Confidence



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    Joe Fermano's Bio


Links for attitude, motivation and success:
PAI OFFICE STORE -- The Buy all your office suplies here. www.aentrepreneur.com -- The Authentic Entrepreneur, training for true success from the inside out.
www.a-touch-of-serenity.com - a variety of inspirational resources and products
www.5passions.com -- learn how to live passionately at the site of Julie Jordan Scott
www.createyourlife.com -- resources to enhance your relationships, finances and career
http://crystalrosecreations.com -- dedicated to assisting others in self-improvement through books and seminars.
www.cyberquotations.com -- inspirational quotations, stories and resources for positive living.
www.dottieburman.com -- the site of singer, songwriter and motivational entertainer, Dottie Burman
www.daffynitions.com -- humorous definitions and motivation at the site of Joe Heuer
www.educating. net -- educational and motivational resources
www.EmpowerMag.com -- the site of Empowerment Magazine Online, where you'll find excellent information on health and motivation
http://find-it.hypermart.net/listof.htm -- a collection of links to interesting sites such as: business opportunities, contests, health, kids and teens, self improvement and women's sites.
www.giftofstrength.com -- the site of Kathy Roberts, lifetime drug free world champion powerlifter/motivational speaker
www.gold-mind.com -- Dave Bruno's Success Gold Cards; motivational quotations on Attitude, Leadership, Teambuilding, etc.
www.inspirationalstories.com -- inspirational stories, poems and links
www.jimdonovan.com -- best-selling author and motivational speaker, Jim Donovan
http://www.livinglifefully.com -- unique and thought provoking motivational resources dedicated to help you live life fully.
www.Lose-the-weight.com -- Tony Avilez shows how to create the Ultimate Physical You
www.loska.com -- "Success Connection" site to help you build your business
www.motivationalquotes.com -- inspirational quotations and resources to promote positive thinking, personal growth and success in every area of your life.
http://www.motivational-messages.com -- provides daily motivational messages and quotes
MyMotivator.com - Full Membership - MyMotivator.com offers Online Goal Setting software with custom Action Item email. Membership options include access to 100's of streaming pay-per-view motivational audio and video tapes.
www.onlineconsulting.com/excite.html-- The Motivational Mecca, an online motivational community that also includes two wonderful (and free!) daily e-mail newsletters, Let's Talk Motivation and Inspiration A Day!
www.retailernews.com -- information to help you succeed in your retail career
www.salesbriefing.com -- a monthly newsletter for sales professionals; focuses on successful case studies and real ideas that measurably improved sales totals.
www.salesdoctors.com -- weekly internet magazine to help you sell more of any product or service
www.selfgrowth.com -- one of the largest resources for personal growth and self-improvement on the internet
www.self-worth.com -- home of The Motivational Mailer, an inspiring, free daily e-mail newsletter
www.sellingpower.com -- information and products to increase your sales success from the publisher of Selling Power Magazine
www.specopsconsulting.com -- the site of motivational speaker and author Michael Anthony Janke, an expert on the art of self-discipline
www.stampoutnegatives.com -- rubber stamps with uplifting sayings
www.suite101.com/links.cfm/inspiration_motivation -- inspiration and motivation by Ruby Gagelonia, where you'll discover ways to be happy, to succeed and to find fulfillment in everything you do.
www.thiemeworks.com -- speaker/author Richard Thieme offers his unique insights on the human dimension of technology and work
http://topliving.com -- the site of Darren Roberts, author of the e-zine, "AAvenues 2 Your Success"
www.you-can-succeed.com -- motivational articles and access to tools for success
Confidence Online -- A Web Resource & Info Guide"
www.youmeworks.com -- a collection of self-help materials from author Adam Khan
If you would like a links with the PAI link page, please email us at joeinvest@snip.net