The heart of a fool is in his mouth, the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.

If a man told you that a dog had run off with your ear, would you go after the dog or search first for your ear?

Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face.

Discipline awaits he who leaves his path.

Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors, succeed.

A dog on the run is safely kicked.

He who is a mocker dances without a tamborine.

Some will learn through pain and sorrow, others through joy and laughter, so it is written.

To the dog who has money, men say: my lord dog.

When a dog cannot bite, it has a bone in its mouth.

He who touches honey is compelled to lick his fingers.

By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.

Better a handful of dried figs and content with that, than to own the gate of peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.

The hand you cannot bite, kiss.

He who eats when he is full digs his grave with his teeth.

The driver of an ass must by necessity know its wind.

Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the donkey.

Strike a match above the sea of opinions and the fish all swim away.

The moon and the stars are not above us, the earth is on the other side of our feet.

The dreaming man makes excuses for his inaction and places a fools cap on his head.

With much knowledge there is much sorrow, with much wisdom there is much weeping.

Angels bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge.

By all means trust in Allah, but tie your camel first.

Do not shoot a glass arrow into a painted deer.

Open your door to a good day and prepare yourself for a bad one.

He is a good storyteller who can turn a man's ears into eyes.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.

An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.

A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.

He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their maker.

He who lacks knowledge derides his neighbor, but the man of understanding holds his tongue.

If you're going to tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup.

A devil takes one and makes two, a saint takes two and makes one.

What is past is gone, what is hoped for is absent, for you is the hour in which you are.

Few desires, happy life.

One man's shit is anothers factory of bliss.

Better the gurgling of a camel than the prayers of a fish.

For he who builds his casbah out of halava; beware the nibblers.

A wise woman has much to say and yet remains silent.

As the sands of the desert are to the weary traveler, so are words to he who loveth silence.

That which you put into your soup kettle, comes latter onto your spoon.

If a man puts a cord around his neck, God will provide someone to pull it.

A book is like a garden in the pocket.

A teacher will appear when the student is ready.

For the sake of a single rose, the gardener becomes servant to a thousand thorns.

Let us sit bent, but talk straight.

Every rose has a thorn as its friend.

The camel driver has his plans and the camel has his.

If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.

If you see a man riding a wooden stick, say to him "Good health to your horse".

If the prayers of dogs were answered, bones would rain from the sky.

Do not judge a man by the whiteness of his turbin, soap is bought on credit.

A camel never sees his own hump, but those of his brothers are always before him.

In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step.

The same destiny awaits both the wise man and the fool.

Do not correct with a strike that which can be taught with a kiss.

A fool's lips bring him strife and invite a beating.

Like a gold ring in a pigs snout is a woman without descretion.

Better a patient man than a warrior, one who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

The mind is free and the slightest thought has great influence. It is therefore important that you think enlightened thoughts.

One who prevades the great universe is seen by none unless a man knows the unfolding of love.

Man alone is the measure of all things.

Every dog thinks of his own fleas as gazelles.

He who follows the crow will be led the the corpses of dogs.

Though each path is different, there is only one way.

In an instant illumination can be achieved, it is as easy as turning on a light, the problem is finding the switch in the dark.

The dawn does not come twice to awaken a man.

What use to cover a mend in the Mona Lisa with a crayon.

Time wounds all heels.

The palm of ones hand does not eclipse the sun.

The best fighting is often against yourself.

A narrow space looks wide to the narrow minded.

Kindness can pluck the whiskers of a lion.

He who has patience with his enemy, rewards himself.

Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.

The jewel is in the lotus.

Nothing is true, all is permisable.

The weight of the burden is known only by he who caries it.

The wind of heaven is that which blows between the horses ears.

If I listen, I have the advantage; if I speak, others have it.

The village gate can be closed, the mouth of the fool, never.

Without fingers, the hand would be a spoon.

Allah gives dried beans to eat to him who has no teeth left.

The barking of dogs does not hurt the clouds.

The tongue has no bone yet it crushes.

All tests are self-adminstered.

Often the best way to give oneself what one lacks is to take from oneself what one has.

Even the loftiest of mountains begins on the ground.

What is here is elsewhere, what is not here is no where.