P.A.I. Motivational Tapes & Products

Products from P.A.I!

QTY                     Cassettes                                              Price
_____ The Morning Motivator - (limit 1 per order) .............................$Free

_____ HOW TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM SUCCESS...........................................$6.95

_____ The 7 Secrets to Self-Confidence In The Workplace........................$6.95

_____ The Audio Sales Coach...................................................$29.95

_____ How to Score at Your Next Networking Event...............................$6.95

____ JUST QUOTES - An audio tape of positive quotes............................$9.95 

____ WAKE UP AND LIVE!!!! - An audio tape of positive stories.................$14.95

Name:_____________________________________             Subtotal:         $   ________

Address:__________________________________             NJ Sales Tax:     $  ________
City:__________________State:_____Zip:________         Shipping:         $  ___$4.95

_____  VISA ______   MC (minim order $10.00)           Total:            $  ___________

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Send a check or money order to:
113 Knollwood Drive 
Cherry Hill NJ 08002

Or, Call (856)667-8665 to order.