By Joe Fermano
I decided to call this piece "WHATTA LIFE", because we have soooo much to be grateful for, right from the beginning!
Recently I read an excerpt from a book by Dr. James Kennedy. I thought it was worth sharing with you. It’s kind of a "Did you know?" piece that puts the simplest gifts given to us in perspective.
The world in which live shows clearly the care and concern of God. Here’s why:…….If our earth were just 10% closer to the sun we would burn up. If it were 10% farther from the sun we would freeze to death. If the moon were one fifth closer to the earth we would have 50-foot tidal waves twice a day covering most of the earth’s surface.
Now here’s something I did not know. Most liquids contract when they freeze. Yet, when water freezes, it expands! If it didn’t, all of the lakes (and there are lots of em’) and rivers would freeze from the bottom up and all of the fish would be killed.
We live on something like an apple. The solid part of the earth is relatively thinner than the skin of an apple. Most of the rest of the earth is molten lava capable of burning us instantly to a cinder. Above us there are ultra violet rays and other rays also capable of destroying us. We are protected from the heat below and we are protected from the killer rays above by the atmosphere, and definitely by the hand of a higher being. Our balanced atmosphere with 21% oxygen is just right for humans to breathe and just thick enough to keep us from being killed by millions of meteorites that constantly strike this planet every year and are burned up in our atmosphere!
All of this tells us we have an awful lot to be grateful for. Don’t you agree?