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Senator Palpatine

Endless patience has been Palpatine's key to success. Passed over as a young politician and repeatedly turned down for office and appointment, he has learned the value of quiet persistance.
Palpatine has risen through the ranks to attain the powerful office of sectorial representative to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. Palpatine represents some 36 worlds in a backwater sector, of which his home planet of Naboo is typical.
Turning this background to his advantage, Palpatine has been ever-present in the halls of galactic politics, impressing friend and opponent alike with his unassuming demeanor and simple but powerful insights into how the galaxy could be better run. Upon his election as Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine is anxious to implement his deepest most desires for the galaxy...

Ten years later, during the period of the Clone Wars, Palpatine uses his control over the Republic as Supreme Chancellor to continue to bring a downfall to the old ways of the Republic and transform it into a dark dominion which best suits his interests. Using the Dark Side of the Force, Palpatine causes disturbance inside the fabric of the galaxy and brings some who serve the Light Side of the Force, into the tempting shadows of the Dark Side.

As the Republic crumbles, Palpatine seizes his opportunity take advantage of the unstableness of Anakin Skywalker. Watching his career with much interest, he uses his dark minions to challenge Anakin's pride and rebelliousness. Mixing these with the tragedy of Anakin's mother Shmi and his quick romantic relationship with Senator Padme Amidala, all these events send Anakin hurling toward the Dark Side of the Force, with little to keep him in Balance.

Queen Amidala
The Sith
Darth Sidious
The Phantom Menace