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Darth Sidious

The Sith Lord Darth Sidious is the Sith Master at the time of the Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo. He sets into motion the final stages of his order's 2,000 year old plan to destroy the Jedi. Working patiently, Sidious has extended his power and influence deep into the galactic government. Using his grasp of psychology and bureaucracy to stifle justice, he brings about the crisis he needs to make his move for domination.
Darth Sidious shows connection to Senator Palpatine, and to the coming Emperor who will take over the galaxy. It is almost certain that Darth Sidious, Senator Palpatine, and the Emperor are all the same person.
After Senator Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, he swiftly carried out his own ideas and formed of the galactic government to his wanting. With corruption, scandal and conspiracy playing into the system of government, he quickly carried out the opportunity to use these situations to take complete control of the Republic forming it into an Empire of his desiring.
Emperor Palpatine quickly moved against all that opposed him. First, seducing the "Chosen One", Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, he then used Skywalker, now the Sith Lord Darth Vader, to exterminate the Jedi from existence and to enforce his "New Order" for the galaxy. 20 years later Anakin's son, Luke, was brought before him to be converted to the dark side.
Luke proved worthy of the name Jedi Knight, however, for he believed good to still be in his father and he turned down the offer to the end and was willing to die for the Jedi cause. Palpatine would have succeeded in killing Luke but Darth Vader, redeeming himself back to the light side, picked up Palpatine and threw him into a Death Star reactor, where his body exploded. Thus, ending the reign of the Sith and Palpatine's (Darth Sidious) evil empire.

The Sith
Dath Maul
The Jedi Knights
Anakin Skywalker