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* Getting started
* DOCTYPE declaration
* META & TITLE tags
* Colour & layout
- Text organization * Images
* Tables
* Validation

Before I introduce the tags used in organizing text on a web page to you, I have to explain the difference between the two types of elements [main tags] that go into the BODY section. One type is called inline elements, these include the following tags [don't worry about what they mean for now, I'll explain that later]:

<A>, <B>, <BIG>, <BR>, <FONT>, <I>, <IMG>, <Q>, <SMALL>, <SPAN>, <STRONG>, <SUB>, <SUP>, and <U>

Note that these are not all inline elements that exist, only the ones that you might need in designing your pages. The other type of elements is called block-level elements [again, these aren't all the b-l elements that there are]:

<BLOCKQUOTE>, <CENTER>, <DIV>, <DL>, <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>, <HR>, <MENU>, <OL>, <P>, <PRE>, <TABLE>, <UL>, <DD>, <DT>, <LI>, <TD>, <TH>, and <TR>
The main difference between these two types is that inline elements may only contain other inline elements. Block-level elements can contain inline elements and other block-level elements. What this means:

This is an extremely bad coding practice. What it does for you is wonderful - it lets you have the same font colour throughout the table without having to enter it into each data cell. It is invalid HTML, however, because you're putting a block-level element (<TABLE>) into an inline element (<FONT>). With a table, you have to insert the font changes you want into every single data cell [tables are covered later on in this tutorial]

As I explain each tag, it will become more understandable to you which elements are inline and which are block-level, and hopefully you will try to avoid coding as shown above, because it will not validate with W3C.

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