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Articles of Interest to Wives and Mothers

Assembling a Leader Bitterness Roses or Thorns?
Avoiding Friction in your Home Avoiding Controversy
at Home
You Took My Place!
School Fun : ) God Is In Control Daddy's Footsteps
Be a Glory
to Your Husband
The Clothesline Something to think on
Bathroom Rules
For Housewives
Cinnamon Christmas
The ABC's of

Your Prayer
Witty Sayings
by Mark Twain
Your Clothes are Talking The Importance
of Little Things
Quick Clutter Control

My Family

My Story about Fibromyalgia Photo's
Robbie Rebekah Bethany
Our Day At
The Beach!
Timmy's Page Scenic Beach

If you can't say somthin' nice then don't say nothin' at all

Poems and Short Stories
By 5th and 6th Grade Students
And... Special Photo Pages

The Strange Creature The Angel with no Halo... The Substitute
"God" The Wet Water Day My Dog

It's A Boy
A new baby horse!

My Hero's
Coming Soon

New Photo's of the Kids!
More added on July 7, 2001!

Older Photo's of the Kids

Webrings, Awards and Misc.

Special Prayer Requests
Hyles Anderson College
Valerie's Graphics
Free Graphics

NEW site... all new graphics!
Tribute to my Grandmother
Awards Jude 22- And of some having compassion, making a difference: Baby Photo's


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Site Design and Graphics
© 1999-2002 Valerie's Graphics
All Rights Reserved

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