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Hyles Anderson College

I have many happy memories of my days at HAC. I arrived in Crown Point, IN in July of 1988 with the Palmer family. I lived in North Western Indiana and attended college until we moved South in January of 1997.

One of my earliest memories of First Baptist Church is Youth Conference, the next is good 'ole Vacation Bible School.

Probably one of my best loved memories is of the bus route that I was on in Chicago. Every Saturday we would walk for hours on our "bus route" visiting all the kids that rode our bus on Sunday mornings. One of the sweetest families that I've ever met was the family pictured below. Eva and Linette, the two daughters went with us faithfully to visit all of the other kids. When I first started on the route Eva was 13 and Linette was 9, and their little brother Tony was "in the oven". Now the girls are all grown up. Eva is married and taught for several years at Hammond Baptist Junior High. She and her husband are currently on deputation to be Missionaries to Honduras. Linette is a graduate of HAC and has travelled with a tour group for the college. She is now married and teaching in a Christian School with her husband in California. Tony is growing up to be a wonderful little man, he just turned 12 years old today (March 14, 2001) (OK... so now I'm feeling REALLY old!). I sure am proud of Eva, Linette and Tony : )

2 of my "bus kids" at VBS- Elizabeth and Birdie

Another sweet memory of my time at HAC was the Sailor Ministry. This wonderful group of Men and thier wives ministered to the Sailors from Great Lakes Naval Base in Chicago. I got the opportunity to take care of the Ministry Workers children on Saturdays while the ladies cooked up a big home-made meal for all the Sailors who came down for the week-end.

Click on Mrs. Evans picture to read about a prayer request for her.

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