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December 20,21,22
(Each year this changes, so consult a current calendar to show the exact date.)

ALSO CALLED: Winter Solstice, Yuletide, Winter Rite, Midwinter, Feill Fionnain, and Alban Arthan.

*Yuletide [Teutonic] lasts from 20 December through 31 December. It begins on "Mother Night" and ends twelve days later on "Yule Night"; hence the "Twelve Days of Christmas".

The next Sabbat is Yule, celebrated on the first day of Winter. In spite of the fact that some of the coldest days and harshest weather still lay ahead, Yule was a time of merriment and gaiety. The longest night of the year, when the days begin to grow longer and the hours of darkness decrease. It is a festival of the sun's rebirth, and a time to honor the God. It is the time when the waxing sun takes over the waning sun. A time when the Holly King {representing the death aspect of the God} is overcome by the Oak King {who embodies the rebirth of the God, and is sometimes referred to as the Divine Child}. Love, family togetherness, and accomplishments of the past year are also celebrated.

The customs of decorating the tree, hanging mistletoe and holly, and burning the Yule log, are all beautiful Pagan customs which date back to pre-Christian times. The burning of the Yule log stems from the old custom of the Yule bonfire which was burned to give life and power to the sun, which was thought of as being reborn at the Winter Solstice.  A portion of the Yule log is saved to be used in lighting next year's log. This piece is kept throughout the year to protect the home. Mistletoe was considered very magickal by the Druids, who called it the "Golden Bough". They believed it possessed great healing powers and gave mortal men access to the Underworld. Decorating the tree is a custom which evolved from the pine groves associated with the Great Mother Goddess. The lights and ornaments hung on the tree as decorations are actually symbols of the sun, moon, and stars as they appear in the Cosmic Tree of Life. Sacred presents were also hung on the tree as offerings to various deities. Bayberry candles are also burned to ensure wealth and happiness throughout the following year. They can be placed on the dining table at sunset and burned until they go out themselves. The reindeer stag is also a reminder of the horned God, so you could use this when choosing cards for Pagans and Christians, it shouldn't be offensive.


Roasted turkey, nuts, fruitcakes, caraway rolls, eggnog, and mulled wine.


Bayberry, cedar, pine, and rosemary.


Gold, green, red, and white.


Cat's eye and ruby.

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counter added 17 Jan 2000

Last here: 20 June 2010